Roadworks 1.0.0-beta
This update mostly contains fixes, with a couple of new signs.
- New signs: No Left Turn, No Right Turn, replaced 4-way sign with all-way sign, diagonal black arrow signs, road name sign with yellow background
- Fix: Sign editing not updating
- Fix: Post connections not working right
- Fix: Australian roundabout signs
- Other misc. sign improvements
Roadworks 1.0.0-beta3
- Revamped post system. This has breaking changes!
- Posts can now have more than one attachment per block. This means you can put a sign behind a signal!
- More extensible post system
- Improved rendering efficiency of posts
- Signs now sync when joining a server
- Wrenches
- Smaller signs, such as the "Ahead," "One Way," and "4-Way" signs, can now be positioned at the top, middle, or bottom of a sign.
- Beacons and road signs can be repositioned as well
- A post only connected below can be changed to a "stub" post, a shorter kind of post.
- Updated to Gradle 0.10.2
- Updated to Fabric Loader 0.16.7
- Updated to Fabric API to 0.92.2
- Updated Loom to 1.8
- Updated Fabric Language Kotlin to 1.12.3 (KT 2.0.21)
Warning: As part of this update, all signs, posts, signals, etc in your world will disappear. There are likely to be crashes as well. If you encounter anything, please create an issue on GitHub.
Roadworks 1.0.0 Beta 2
- Custom signs can be added via datapacka and resource packs
- New signs
- Added yield marking
- Traffic lights are now emissive
- Custom street signs
- Configuration of traffic cabinet limits
- Misc. bug fixes
Initial beta release of the mod.