- wall signs added
- block painter textures improved
- missing asphalt language tags added
- traffic sign creative tab icon changed
- inverted diagonal arrow traffic sign textures fixed
- traffic sign item rendering variants improved
- Block Painter renamed to 'Painting Table'
- loot table generation re-implemented
- credits to block models added
Chinese traffic signs added
RuneCraft support added
texture improvements of blank traffic signs
Painter crafting sound changed to a brushing sound
paining recipes datagen reimplemented
- tag fixes in recipes
- unknown recipe categories error fixed
- recipe encoder exeption crash on servers fixed
- small code changes
> Update to MC 1.21!
- code changes
- some fixes
Port for Neoforge!
Port of v.1.7.0 for MC 1.20.4
traffic lights added
additional traffic sign item tags added
- missing shape tags added
- 50 new traffic signs added!
invalid recipe categories fixed
some texture changes
some translation name changes
Port for MC 1.20.4
- unknown recipe categories fixed
Painting recipes for the painter added
Variable traffic signs
many new asphalt blocks & slabs added
barrier tapes added
drain cover blocks can also items flow downwards trough
signal traffic barrier texture colors optimized
pole block placement changed
Signal Traffic Barriers added
Double Traffic Barriers added
Backport to 1.19.2
Backport to MC 1.19.4
traffic barrier added
additional immersive engineering arc-furnace recipes added
mekanism enriching recipes added
additional painting recipes added
stat award added to the block painter
additional item tags added
asphalt slab recipe fixes
small registration changes
block painter crafting recipes changed
painter JEI recipe texture reworked
item quick moving in the block painter fixed
traffic sign language tag fixed
unused imports removed
Block Painter added
Sign recipes added
Concrete walls added
Blank signs added
Dye mix added
translation fixes
iron fence recipes fix
iron fence added
orange delinerator post added
drain cover blocks added
tooltip config option added
- missing asphalt slabs added to some tags
- US traffic signs
creativ tabs reorganized
language file fixes
traffic signs [EU] added
custom block model rendering on heads for poles and posts added
creative tab icons changed
creative tab items reorganized