fix crash with create 6.0.0
Fixed an issue where storage items (e.g. crates) which are not applicable to quality would result in granting diamond quality decompressed items (if said items had the forge:seed
fix sophisticated storage compat
more create compat
fix sophisticated storage compat
- Fixed wrong quality being used to calculate weight-related chance (for crops)
- Fix tag validation for the effect config (for items)
Adjusted crafting / crop drop quality chance Qualities now have a min. weight and a weight field (config)
Each quality gets rolled using these weights Example with default values:
iron: 0 / 1 gold: 1 / 2 diamond: 1.75 / 3
5 ingredients
- 2 are of
quality - 2 are of
quality - 1 has no quality
2x2 + 2x3 + 0 -> 10 / 5 = average quality of 2
Rolling for gold
(2 - 1) / (2 - 1) = 1 (100%)
Rolling for diamond
(2 - 1.75) / (3 - 1.75) = 0.2 (20%)
Formula: (average_weight - min_weight) / (weight - min_weight)
Since crops only have 1 quality to work with there are also two configs for seed and crop drops (a multiplier to the chance), in case you want to reduce the chance of quality seeds dropping (per quality)
- sophisticated storage compat
- create crushing wheel
- create harvester
fix compatibility with sophisticated storage
make jade quality tooltip translatable
- fixed an issue that could occur when saving block entity data
- added config to retain quality for recipes whose output is a seed (to avoid having to add all of them to the retain quality config)
- added some entries to default quality block tag + configs
- adjustment / fix to particles (which appear when cooking block has stored quality)
- miners delight copper cooking pot support
- added config to retain quality for recipes whose output is a seed (to avoid having to add all of them to the retain quality config)
- added some entries to default quality block tag + configs
- adjustment / fix to particles (which appear when cooking block has stored quality)
fixed a mixin application error which caused issues with world join
- changed how cooking works
- the lowest quality level of the ingredient is now picked as the base quality of the result
- the stored bonus (from cooking quality ingredients) will still have an effect by providing a chance to upgrade the quality
- (cooking 30x gold raw meat = 30x gold cooked meat + chance to uprade to diamond)
- (cooking 25x gold raw meat + 5x iron raw meat = 30x iron raw meat + chance to upgrade to gold or diamond)
- fixed hoppers not working with furnaces
- slight change how the effect tooltip handling is done (includes icons now)
- (the tooltip changes can still be disabled through the client config)
small fix for previous version to make quality actually upgrade when cooking
- changed how cooking works
- the lowest quality level of the ingredient is now picked as the base quality of the result
- the stored bonus (from cooking quality ingredients) will still have an effect by providing a chance to upgrade the quality
- fixed hoppers not working with furnaces
- slight chance how the effect tooltip handling is done (includes icons now)
- (the tooltip changes can still be disabled through the client config)
- added smarter farmers compat
- fixed potential crash with effect tooltips
- smarter farmer compat (their planted crops retain quality of the used seed / they prioritize using higher quality seeds)
- fix quality application command not overriding existing quality (if specified to do so)
fix server startup issue
- some farm & charm support
- re-enabled vinery support
- improved recipe check performance
- added support for neoforge config screen
- fixed icon bug caused by fixing icon bug
- some farm & charm support
- cleaned up some tags