Improvements and changes
- redesigned the adamantine strengthening and renamed "adamantine smithing template" like in Minecraft
- now, after crafted, the adamantine smithing template'll spawn some particles
- new recipe for crafting and duplicating the adamantine smithing template
- changed its register name too
- redesigned all the sapphire set (textures more clears)
- adjusted attack speed, damage and efficency of sapphire's tools
Woods sets
- added "stripped jacaranda WOOD"
- added "stripped maple WOOD"
- improved textures of stripped jacaranda log
- now the glow berries crate emits a light source
- minor changes anf fixes
V0.1.0 Culinary Delight Update
- Wooden plate with six its soups
- A new structure: welcoming countryhouse
- Foods: peach, pear, prune, apricot, garlic, tomato, courgette with its plants\trees
- New blocks to organize foods and more: Crates!
- New recipe from rotten flesh to leather
- New sugar cane bale
Improvements and changes
- Improved textures of:
- Red Berry (renamed red fruit to red berry)
- Hydrangea flower
- Jac. Dirt
- Fixed flammability values of blocks and plants
- Fixed drop of leaves
- Now you can craft a bowl with mod's woods
- Changed nutricional values of red berry
- Decreased spawn of natural elements like stone pile, jacaranda fallen logs and more
-- V0.0.268
Now every plant/block that needed it will have a loot table
Now natural structures will be seen as natural decorations
Changed biome spawn (again)