- Tweaked project build sequence for the mod to be compatible with multiple versions of Minecraft. Hooray 🎉 (still using 1.20.2 as base)
- Also the mod should theoretically be fine to use in snapshots
- Added a warning message if the mod is launched on a server (which is not supposed to happen)
- Not sure how the thing will work with Quilt. Should be fine but you never know lol im to lazy to test
- Minecraft 1.20.2
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20
- Update to 1.19.4
- Slightly improved compatibility with other mods: game will not crash if other mod mixins into GameModeSelectionScreen
- 1.19.3
- 1.19.2
- Support for 1.19
- Support for 1.18.2
- Support for MC 1.18.1
- Now mod also works with F3+N (plus keybind)
- New requirement: Java 17 (1.18 itself requires this version of Java)
- Support for Minecraft 1.17.1
- Support for Minecraft 1.17
- Now requires Java 16 or higher (no worries - Minecraft itself requires that one too since 1.17)
- Added keybind. You can now configure the hotkey to open game mode switcher under Options/Controls. If the key is set to 'Not bound' (which is default) - combination to open the switcher will be default, F3 + F4, otherwise - the button you set.