Big Update!
- Basalt Skis & Oar
- An easy travel method across the basalt deltas
- Wearing skis lets you stand on fluids without taking damage
- You cannot move manually when on fluid but you can use the oar to push yourself
- Using the oar while on lava will damage you a bit
- Crafted from polished basalt
- Basalt Geysers
- Launches entities into the air
- Entities wearing skis will fall slowly and not take fall damage
- Generates naturally in the basalt deltas, especially in lava pools
- Can be obtained with silk touch
- Update many textures
- fermenting rotten flesh
- blaze fire
- blaze torch
- magnetite & smoldering magnetite
- blaze dust block textures
- Add blaze fire particles
- Add soul particles when rotten flesh ferments
- Update blaze lantern item model to be 2D
- Temporarily disable blaze torch threading
- Remove burning lodestone to get netherite ingot
- Add recipe to craft lodestone from magnetite
- Change rotten flesh to have 4 fermenting stages instead of 8
- Make fermented rotten flesh a valid soul fire base
- Add Create compat recipes for rotten flesh fermenting
- Make rotten flesh blocks flammable
- EMI Compatability: added World Interaction recipes for lodestone burning, rotten flesh fermenting, and smoldering magnetite
Also, support will be dropped for other 1.20.x versions going forward.
- Make rendering features toggleable via config
- Fix a crash using the blaze lantern on a server
- Backport to 1.20.1
- Update to 1.20.3+
- Fixed a badly written mixin preventing mod from loading outside of dev environment
- 1.20.4 will be out soon
- Blaze lantern impacts can now replace flammable and replaceable blocks with blaze fire
- Rotten flesh blocks can have air and other rotten flesh blocks between it and the campfire
- Added Blaze Torch to the piglin bartering loot table
Initial release! Documentation coming soon.