NBTEdit 1.19.4-4.2.3: Add fabric version, use architectury for it.
NBTEdit 1.19.4-4.2.2: Add command /nbtedit hand to edit ItemStack in hand.
NBTEdit 1.19.4-4.2.1:
Fix a mistake about scroll bar.
Bump version.
NBTEdit 1.19.4-4.2.0:
Updated NBTEdit to 1.19.4.
New GUI is still WIP.
NBTEdit 1.19.3-4.1.0:
Updated NBTEdit to 1.19.3.
1.19.2-4.0.4: Fixed a mistake about ListTag editor.
Some fatal bugs was fixed.
NBTEdit 1.19.2-4.0.1
- Fixes bugs that can crash the server.