-Fallen trees improvements
-Region improvements
-Marshland biome
-Maple taiga biome
-features for new biomes + feature improvements
-maple log + red maple leaves + red maple sapling texture
-Removed extra code
-Doubled hangingLeavesChance and hangingLeavesExtensionChance for willow tree foliage
-Changed willow swamp water color (from Mangrove Swamp to Swamp)
-Fixed flower taiga
-Made changes in configured and placed features (primarily to decrease their count)
-Code improvements
-Fixed -> Doors doubled when broken
-Fixed -> Crash when no biomes in region are enabled
-Changed oak_bush foliage placer from blob to bush
-Migrated biomes from jsons to datagen
-New biome Willow Swamp
-Improved Biomes (feature generation, spawns, etc.)
-Removed Alex's Mobs compact (due to biome datagen)
-Removed unused placed features
-Improved tag system
-Improved handling of block entities
-Fixed GUI title for NA boats
-Improved armor related code
-Removed old boat code + migration code for boats
-New Config system (Fabric: Use "Mod Menu" mod to access config screen, Forge: Use built-in mod list screen to access config screen)
-Improved icicle
-More code is compiled against Vanilla
-Other code improvements
-Fixed bug related to NA copper blocks deoxidization on lighting strike
-Fixed crash related to NA copper blocks
-Fixed bug related to NA copper blocks deoxidization on lighting strike
-Fixed values for ticksToStayPressed for NA buttons
1.20.1 only:
-this version is down-ported from 0.6.5
-Added migration code for boats to new boat system that was introduced in 0.6.2
-Fixed values for ticksToStayPressed for NA buttons
-Tags datagen code improvements
-Wanderer trades
-New pancakes texture
-Improved mixin, that handle NA copper blocks and lighting bolt
-Foxes like blueberries
-Mobs should avoid dangerous blocks from NA
-Code optimisations
-fixed Topaz block loot
(Based on 0.6.0)
-Fixed loot for topaz block