- New MDA (Myped Demo Animation), animation blocks and entity's;
- New interface, logo in minecraft
- New item's from future minecraft versions
- New gamerule's
- Connection to new mod "WarPed"
- new core's 3d animation
- new idrikor helmet 3d model
- new functions for future update
- Updated Idrikor armor helmet
- Updated entity animations
- Removed mob "boar"
- Improved some textures
- work on inventory has begun
**_- Added boss system via in-mod spawner
- Added hints to items about how they are made or obtained
- Future bosses prepared: Slug and Honey
- Added new varieties of Ezonet
- Added Idrikor armor
- Added Rhisolite blocks
- Merchants and residents can now trade items from the mod
- Bug fix (void, mask, swords and another)_**
so... this is a very major update, at least in terms of weapons and mechanics
- Wa
RpeD BlOck
- Bug Fixes
- Boar and his head
- neko mask
- mask
new gamerules new textures new item's generation update dangeons update
- bug fix
- 80 level -> 30 level
- new disc and music
- new generation update
- new lore item's