- Fixed the bug of not being able to open a server.
- Fixed a crash caused when the block near the glass bowl was updated.
New Items & Features:
Added Juice Extractor: Consumes 10 EP AC per second. When charged, place 4 ingredients and right-click to make juices including Sweet Berry Juice, Rose Iced Tea (placeable), Sakura Milk Tea (placeable). Supports Farmer's Delight and Create beverages. Creates crossover drinks (Sea Salt Lemon, Mango Milk Tea, Tomato Juice) using ingredients matching tags: lemon (c:foods /fruits/mango or forge:fruits /mango), mango (c:foods /fruits/lemon or forge:fruits /lemon), tomato (c:foods /vegetables/tomatoes or forge:vegetables /tomato).
Seasoning System: Hold seasoning in main hand and food in offhand to apply effects: Garlic Powder: Resistance I (30s) Honey Crystal: Regeneration I (10s) Black Pepper: Fire Resistance (10s) Sea Salt: Dolphin"s Grace (30s) Black Truffle: Absorption I (15s) White Truffle: Absorption II (8s) Matcha: Luck I (30s) Cuttlebone: Regeneration I + Water Breathing (8s+30s) Glow Cuttlebone: Regeneration II + Water Breathing + Glowing (8s+45s+180s)
Instant Noodle System: Quicklime: Obtain by calcining carbonate rocks (c:carbonate_rocks ) in blast furnace Packaged Instant Noodles: Craft with Multifunctional Wrapping Paper, fried noodles, and 0-7 ingredients Portable Pot: Right-click packaged instant noodles, quicklime, and water in inventory Features hidden flavor system based on ingredient combinations
New Foods: Steamed Pumpkin (placeable), Steamed Stuffed Bun, Vegetable Stuffed Bun, Shumai, Chocolate Crunch Ice Lolly, Black Pepper Steak
Stone Mortar: Hold in one hand and ingredient in other, hold right-click to grind. Enchant with Precision Grinding (III max, treasure) for yield boost.
Tongs: Replaces frying basket for safer item retrieval. Sneak+right-click containers to transfer items. Hold item in empty tongs to carry.
Wooden Plate: Currently decorative. Future plans for food display functionality.
Minor GUI adjustments for machines.
Model updates for Deep Fryer and AC/DC Converter. Texture revamps.
Visual indicators added for batteries, electric whisks, and gas canisters.
Updated sound effects for Cuisine Table and Stirling Engine.
Progress bars added for bamboo/electric steamers.
Gas System:
Gas canisters can now be broke by pistons, placed by dispensers, and detected by comparators, which stores any fluid (16-stackable). Explodes when containing excess "hazardous fluids" (c:gas tag).
Biogas Digester explosions may produce liquefied biogas with blast power scaling with content.
Added Liquefied Biogas (original gas canisters fluid). Spilled biogas may vaporize, giving nearby entities Nausea (40s) and Poison I (30s)
Electrical System:
Sponges can reduce Stirling Engine noise.
Fan blade hitbox adjusted.
Cross-mod Compatibility:
Photovoltaic Generators power other mods' devices.
Batteries show charge via comparators, compatible with other mods' charging systems
Electric Steamer, Wooden Basin, Deep Fryer, and Gas Canisters support cross-mod fluid transfer.
Supports Farmer's Delight fried foods and ice creams
Amethyst tools upgradable to Royal Steel from Anvil Craft. Amethyst tools from either mod make squids drop cuttlebones.
Some appliances support Create automation. Use Create wrench to: Shift+right-click: quick pickup; Right-click: rotate machines.
Full compatibility with Sinytra Connector (Note: Requires Connector Extras and Fabric versions of Geckolib and YetAnotherConfigLib).
- Now requires YetAnotherConfigLib. Clients use Mod Menu, servers configure via moderndelight-config.json (requires restart).
Balance Changes:
Electric Steamer reworked: Larger capacity; Uses electricity to convert water to steam; Processes items faster than bamboo steamer (especially stacks).
Cherry drop rate: 30% (1-2) → 10% (1).
Power generation tripled (Wind), doubled (Solar/Stirling).
Tesla Coil loss: 40% → 20%.
Kitchen Utensil Holder now holds any item.
Extended Squid Potion durations.
Truffle Tart gives Absorption I (25s).
Crowbar can instamine(right-click) pickaxe/axe blocks (stone-tier) with high durability cost.
Matcha recipes now use matcha instead of leaves.
Deep Fry Basket holds 4 items, keeps contents when broken (no nesting).
Reduced gunpowder needed for Cherry Crate easter egg.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed missing crowbar sounds.
Fixed client-server item rendering desync.
Patched item duplication via hopper+cuisine table.
Fixed item loss when processing >1 item in glass bowl.
Corrected Stirling Engine sound issues.
Prevented NULL-flavored ice cream from Ice Cream Maker.
- AC/DC Converters now support powering machines in other mod or machines in other mod powering them, with a conversion rate of 1 EP = 10 E.
- Now supports Minecraft 1.21.1.
- Removed Sticky Potion.
- Fixed bug with abnormal power storage in battery.
- Added some small details to the electric steamer.
- Added an electric whisk, which consumes DC power to work, and can itself interact with the glass bowl in the same way as the normal whisk, but consumes power not durability. In addition, it can also perform whisking operations directly on some item drops. It can cache 500 EP of power and needs to be recharged using a charging post.
- A new charging post has been added, which allows you to charge DC appliances with power loss from the battery. Open the GUI and put in at least one battery and the DC appliance that needs to be charged to make it work.
- Redrawn the texture of many items.
- Fixed a game crash caused by the addition of two new damage types.
- Fixed incorrect display of some advancement names.
- Repainted the textures of some items.
- Geckolib is now required as a Required Dependency for this mod.
- A new power system has been introduced, introducing the concepts of AC and DC; AC is now found to be used and cannot be stored; DC can be stored; different appliances require different amounts of electricity for the two properties. Electrical Energy Unit (EP).
- Electrician's Desk, used to synthesize all kinds of electrical appliances or parts of electrical appliances, the player needs to place the recipe in the 2x3 area on the left side of the gui screen, and the two slots on the right side respectively put the paper and ink (ink sac, glow ink sac, and black dye), and then click on the button which is in the middle to start the puzzle, there are three different types of puzzles, the player needs to click on the checkmark on the bottom right corner after reaching the goal to complete the puzzle, and after completing the puzzle, click on the button in the middle again to get the finished product. Regarding the puzzles, the first one (“mini_game_type=1”) is 2048, the player can operate it by pressing the WASD on the keyboard or the button in the gui, and reach the specified score (“goal=?”). The second mini game (“mini_game_type=2”) is a wire puzzle, which is a randomly generated pattern on a green background, the player clicks on the “?” button (or press "E") below the gui to get a target pattern on a blue background, and the player's goal is to replicate the target pattern on a blue background over the current pattern on a green background. The gui provides a number of tools available: the wrench in the bottom left corner, which can be selected and clicked on the top of the panel to remove the pattern; and the large button in the center, which is on the left side of the panel (or press "SPACE"), which is clicked on in order to to toggle between two modes, Rotate mode and Move mode, under rotate mode, the player can rotate the pattern by clicking on the pattern, under move mode, the player can select the pattern by clicking on the pattern, and then click on the empty area to move it over; Refresh button (or press "R"), used to reset the pattern and the target pattern, the operation will be returned to the previous level; Next Level button (or press "ENTER"), when the target pattern is successfully replicate, you can click this button to go to the next level; When all levels are completed (“goal=?”), you can click button on the bottom right corner to complete the puzzle; The third (“mini_game_type=3”) mini-game for the Hanoi Tower, when you enter the game, there will be a number of blocks (“goal=?”) on the left side which composition of the tower, the player needs to move the leftmost tower to the rightmost, in which the short block can only be placed on the long block, when move over, click on the button on the bottom right corner to complete the puzzle.
- Three components; Redstone, Silicon, and Diamond are used to synthesize more advanced appliances, with the silicon ingots coming from smelting quartz in a blast furnace.
- Wind Turbine Controller and Fan Blades, when the blades are attached to the controller, they produce alternating current (AC) electricity, the amount of electricity produced is related by the current weather and the altitude, the amount of electricity produced is high on thunderstorm days and also high when the altitude is high.
- Stirling Engine and Faraday Generator, like Furnace Engine in Create, the Stirling Engine can be mounted on any furnace, blast, smoker, oven, advanced furnace are aviliable, it comes with a flywheel that the engine pushes to rotate the flywheel when said furnace is in combustion. By connecting a Faraday generator to the flywheel that comes from Stirling Engine, the generator produces a constant stream of alternating current.
- The photovoltaic generator, when placed in the open, converts light energy into direct current and stores it. The amount of power generated depends on the current time of day, and stops working at night or in dimensions where there is no day or night, and, secondly, artificial light can also make it work, but with very low efficiency. In addition, the amount of power generated depends on the altitude, the higher the altitude, the higher the amount of power generated. It can charge a battery internally.
- Four types of batteries, the Simple Battery (5,000 EP), the Intermediate Battery (15,000 EP), the Advanced Battery (50,000 EP) and the Dimensional Battery (300,000 EP), all of which can store DC power.
- AC/DC converter, it can convert DC and AC power freely and with loss, the switch in the gui can be used to switch its DC to AC or AC to DC mode, the adjusting bar on the top of the gui can be used to adjust the converter's converting speed, the faster the converting speed, the higher the loss, it can be connected to a battery internally, it can be used as a DC power source when it is in DC to AC mode. It can be connected to a battery, which can be used as a DC power source when in DC to AC mode, and can be charged when in AC to DC mode. It also caches 3000 EP of DC power on its own, and you can connect it directly to any alternator to convert AC to DC, or you can supply it with AC power via remote transmission from a Tesla coil.
- Tesla Coil, a device that can be used to remotely transmit AC power, when it is connected to any alternator, it will transmit this power to all AC appliances, including other Tesla Coils, in an area of 8 blocks above and below the south, east, north, west, up and down, and there is a visualization option in its gui, which, when turned on, displays the operating range of the Tesla Coil in the form of a particle effect that is induced around it, and it will deal electrical damage to living entities when any of them get too close to it (ignoring armor and shields).
- Freezers now require AC power, but the old “burning ice” behavior is still possible, although the cooling time provided by all ice has been nerfed now.
- Ice cream maker, need to consume AC power to work, hold shift and right click to open the gui, put any flavor of cream, sugar and eggs in the gui to start making the corresponding flavor of ice cream, you can store up to three different flavors of ice cream, each flavor can store up to 1,000mL, in the gui to choose the flavor you want and hold the ice cream cone to right click ice cream maker will be able to take out the ice cream, different flavors can be stacked.
- The traditional steamer, to build it, you need to have a water-filled cauldron heated by a gas cooking stove to provide steam, place a bamboo steamer basket drawer on top of the pot and put a bamboo steamer cover on it to complete the construction of a traditional steamer. Bamboo steamer drawers can be stacked up to four layers per block, and can be stacked up to three blocks high. Anything higher is considered an ineffective steamer. It can be quickly disassembled by using a crow bar or a wrench from Create. Open the gui of the steamer and place ingredients directly inside, wait for a number of seconds and it will automatically finish processing, while the higher the number of ingredients stacks, the longer the processing will take.
- The Electric Steamer, which requires AC power to work, can be used to steam food just like a traditional steamer, but its size is locked to 8 slots, and can't be stacked as high as a traditional steamer.
- Added French Fries series, Donuts series, Ice lolly series, Fried Mushrooms, Steamed Eggs series, Bottled Sauces, Shrimp Pastes series, Kebabs series, Butterfly Crisp, Cheese Rice Ball, Cheese Baked Potatoes, Beef and Tomato Cups, French Onion Soup, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Cheeseburger, Pork Chop Burger, Streaky Pork, Pork Ribs, Pork Hoof, Fish & Chips (can be placed), Caramel Pudding (can be placed), and Cherry Pudding as new foods.
- Added wild black pepper, which naturally occurs in jungle biomes.
- Added wild garlic, which naturally occurs in forest, mountain, and hills.
- In addition to rei compatibility, there is now support emi compatibility, which allows you to check the recipes of mod items through emi.
- It is now possible to automate oil extraction by using “Create” means.
- Now provides compatibilityto the Potato Cannon in Create for some of the food or vegetables from this mod.
- Added boxed cherries, which can be exploded by right-clicking while holding 32 gunpowder.
- Fixed an issue where the data display for the Biogas Digester Controller and Wooden Basin was overflowing under multiplayer.
- Fixed a flickering item issue in multiplayer when two players open the cuisine table at the same time.
- Added the “Damaged Wind Power Site” structure, which can be found in the Hills and Mountain areas.
- Repainted the textures of some items in the mod.
- Added hints to glass bowl and freezer.
- Optimized the sound effects of the freezer working, it's now quieter and less noisy.
- Nerfed the attack speed of the crowbar.
- Added dozens of new advancements, and also removed some old advancements that were outdated.
- Fixed the display misalignment problem in REI.
- Fixed the problem that Gas Cooking Stove is no longer required for Deep Fryer in the recipe of Deep Fryer in REI.
- Fixed the description text of the advancement after getting “Deep Fryer” to be consistent with the logic of the new version.
- Fixed a bug where experience orbs could not be generated when the experience orb button was pressed in multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug where experience orbs would not be generated until the experience orb button was clicked twice in single player.
- Fixed a bug where experience orbs would be generated when the experience orb button is pressed in spectator mode.
- Added the Cuisine Table, which allows you to deepen the processing of ingredients by placing tools and “ingredients” in its GUI.
- Reworked the Deep Fryer, which now has a new model and correctly rendered item model, as well as new interaction logic.
- Reworked the Mashed Potato Block, now players can right-click to eat the block or serve it in a bowl, it is harder for players to jump on it and the movement speed is reduced when player step on it.
- Added Raw Chicken Fillet (made via cooking station), and Fried Chicken Tenders.
- Two new UIs (Ore UI style) have been built in, including dark and light colors that players can choose from. You can find it under the "Resource Packs" option.
- The Pizza's ToolTip now displays its ingredients and restores different hunger levels for different ingredients.
- New Kitchen Utensil Holder, decorative cubes that can display any tool, up to 4 pieces.
- Added 7 new cabinet of different materials. It can store 36 items.
Creatures hit by Butter now no longer get Slowness X, instead they get a new status effect - Sticky, as well as Weakness X and Dig Fatigue X. Creatures with the Sticky status effect will not be able to jump and will move very slowly, in addition, Butter can be used to brew Potion of Sticky with a Slow IV potion in the Brewing Stand, which is the equivalent of Slowness Potion Enhanced (meaning no jumping).
Squid Cuttlebones and Glowing Squid Cuttlebones can now not be eaten directly, instead they can be used to brew Potion of Squid Power, which provide the player with effects such as free breathing and night vision, etc.
Frezzer door logic has been reworked so that the door will now not open when there is a block blocking the front of the frezzer door.
Oven code optimized to use less server resources.
New Spatula and Baking Tray, they can be used for stir-frying, put ingredients into the Baking Tray and heat up the tray, then use the Spatula to interact with the tray for stir-frying.
Advanced Furnace has been added, it can process four different items at once, but also consumes fuel at four times the rate. It can store experience in it, and the player can take it out when they want to (toaster ovens, freezers have been synchronized with this feature as well).
The Oven is now upgraded from the Advanced Furnace instead of being crafted, and the upgrade is obtained by interacting with the Advanced Furnace plus the Baking Tray.
Crowbar with high damage and low attack speed, can break some blocks that made of iron, glass, trapdoors, etc., and can also downgrade the Oven back to a Advance Furnace.
Now has more recipe linkage with Create mod, providing Cream Fluid for this purpose, allowing some recipes to be paired with Create mod for some automation.
Reset the Sunflower Seeds, using the Farmer's Delight knife. You can cut sunflowers to get sunflower seeds, right click on a sunflower seed to peel it, the player will spit out the peel of the sunflower seed from their mouth, leaving behind the pulp of the sunflower seed, which can then be stir-fried to get stir-fried sunflower seeds.
A new Wooden Basin, filter, vegetable oil bottle, and vegetable oil bucket have been added. The player is now allowed to use the Wooden Basin to extract oil, put the stir-fried oil crops (currently only stir-fried sunflower seeds, more will be considered in the future) into the Wooden Basin, and then put a filter in the basin, the player only needs to stand on the Wooden Basin and jump on it to extract the oil, and use the empty glass bottles or empty bucket to collect it.
New Deep Fryer and Deep Fry Basket. Now allows players to deep fry food, pour cooking oil into the heated deep fryer and add ingredients to it to start frying, hold shift and right click to check the status of the deep fryer, if you pick up the items directly after frying, you will get burned by the oil, you need to use the deep fry basket to take out the items from the fryer.
New Biogas Digester input/output port, Biogas Digester Controller, Gas Canister, Gas Cooking Stove.
Biogas digester multi-block structure: when there is a complete and totally closed cuboid area under the Biogas Digester Controller with volume less than 11x5x11, the Biogas Digester Controller will recognize this area as part of the digester, and then place a biogas digester input/output port above the controller, which will automatically recognize the corresponding digester of the controller, and put any food into the input/output port, they will be fermented, and the food will be removed. Any food will be put into the input/output port, they will be fermented and become biogas and stored in the digester, note that if the storage capacity of the biogas in the digester is higher than the maximum value, there will be a biogas explosion, the maximum storage capacity of the digester is related to its volume, but the larger the volume of the digester is, the slower the fermentation speed will be. The input and output ports, if connected to a Gas Canister, will store the biogas from the digester into the Gas Canister.
Gas Cooking Stove Multi-Block Structure: When the Gas Cooking Stove is directly connected to a Gas Canister, right-clicking on the Gas Cooking Stove activates it, which consumes gas from the Gas Canister and simultaneously heats up the block above it and ignites the creatures above it. Blocks that support being heated so far include the Baking Tray (which heats up before stir-frying), the Advance Furnace (which heats up before smelting without fuel), the Oven (which heats up before baking without fuel), the Deep Fryer (heated to be able to deep fry food), Farmer's Delight mod's Cooking Pot (to provide heat for it), Create mod's Boiler (used as a passive heat source)
About the Gas Canister, it will explode immediately when its storage capacity is greater than the maximum storage capacity, it will have a random possibility to explode when there are more dangerous blocks (such as fire, lava or even the Blaze Burner, etc.) nearby, it will have a random possibility to explode when there is a certain amount of gas in it, and when it is located in the nether, it will have a random possibility to explode when you hold a Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge and right-click on it to directly ignite it and explode it. After being destroyed its stored gas will be saved in the item.
More food, including flower cakes, fried series of food, etc.
There are also many unknown bugs that have been fixed
- New water-related treatments have been added for glass bowls.
- Added Wheat Dough, Kneading Stick and other items related to knead dough.
- Added pizza and its related items as well as its preparation.
- Registered different item tags for most of the items in the mod.
- Reset the model and usage of the freezer.
- Now supports with Farmer's Delight Refabricated.
- Fixed several known bugs.
- Added new sound effects for oven, freezer, and whisk.
- Redrew the texture of part of the whisks.
- Revised the item handling logic of the glass bowl.
- Fixed a bug where using whisk on glass bowls would not play sound effects properly.
- Recipes can now be queried through the REI mod.
- Reworked and adjusted the GUI of the freezer.
The first version of Baking Delight