MiscTweaks StationAPI Edition for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
A mod for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 babric that tweaks random things.
- You will need ModMenu and GlassConfigAPI to change configs and use this mod. See installation instructions below.
- Mod works on Multiplayer with GlassConfigAPI version 3.0+ used to sync configs!
List of changes
All changes are default false/vanilla behavior unless otherwise specified
Armor Changes
- Equalize base armor durability
- Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots will all have the same durability
- Modern armor defense points
- Lower tiers have less defense and defense does not decrease with durability loss
Block Entity Changes
- Allow chests to be opened even when a solid block is above them
- Allow editing signs with a feather (feather is consumed on use)
- Allow coloring signs with dye (dye is consumed on use)
- Coloring signs is incompatible with MojangFix
- Use MojangFixStationAPI's config to disable MojangFix signs to use colored signs
- Config is available through ModMenu and GlassConfigAPI
Explosion/Fire Changes
- Allow ghast fireballs to insta-kill ghasts
- Allow defusing TNT with shears (use left-click to defuse)
- Disable all explosions
- Disable TNT explosions breaking blocks
- Disable creeper explosions breaking blocks
- Disable ghast explosions breaking blocks
- Disable ghast explosions causing fire
- Disable lightning strikes causing fire
Flora Changes
- Allow collecting ferns with shears
- BHCreative is required for this as b1.7.3 does not have an item for it
- Item is non-vanilla and will disappear if BHCreative is removed
- Allow collecting tall grass with shears
- Allow collecting dead bushes with shears
- Allow random chance for dead bushes to drop a stick
- The percent chance is the same as getting seeds from tall grass (12.5%)
- Allow random chance for apples to drop from oak leaves
- The percent chance can be chosen via the config
- Disable leaf decay for player placed leaves
- Enable log rotation for oak, spruce, and birch logs
- This uses the extra metadata bits for rotation
- So when disabled the rotated logs will appear as oak, but drop a different block type similar to how crash slabs work
- This uses the extra metadata bits for rotation
Mob Changes
- Add ability to enable different zombie pigman drops
- Select between: cooked porkchops, raw porkchops, brown mushrooms, gold sword, bone meal, brick, or nothing
- Add ability to enable different zombie drops
- Select between: feathers, red mushrooms, cyan dye, green dye, clay, paper, or nothing
- Disable player/mobs trampling farmland
- Disable player trampling farmland if player is not wearing boots
- Disable player trampling farmland if player is wearing leather boots
Slab Changes moved to NowObtainableRecipes
Dispenser Changes moved to DispenserTweaks
Installation using Prism Launcher
- Download an instance of Babric for Prism Launcher: https://github.com/Glass-Series/babric-prism-instance
- Install Java 17 and set the instance to use it: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/
- Add GlassConfigAPI 3.0.2+ to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-config-api
- Add Glass Networking to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-networking
- (Optional) Add StationAPI to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/stationapi
- (Optional) Add Mod Menu to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu-beta
- Add this mod to the mod folder for the instance: https://github.com/telvarost/BetaTweaks-StationAPI/releases
- Run and enjoy! 👍
Got any suggestions on what should be added next? Feel free to share it by creating an issue. Know how to code and want to do it yourself? Then look below on how to get started.
Thanks for considering contributing! To get started fork this repository, make your changes, and create a PR.
If you are new to StationAPI consider watching the following videos on Babric/StationAPI Minecraft modding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-sVGjnGJ5s&list=PLa2JWzyvH63wGcj5-i0P12VkJG7PDyo9T
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Minecraft: Java Edition
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Licensed MIT
Published last year
Updated 3 weeks ago