This Fabric bug got fixed on version 54.0.36, so now the mod is more stable/doesn't need to do a botched job to work. Needs Fabric 54.0.36 or higher to work.
Added a config file to edit the drop chance possibility. Can be edited directly or through modmenu. When the spawner drops, it removes the Delay and position NBT of the item dropped, so spawners of the same contents can stack together in the inventory.
Updated to 1.21.4 May be unstable.
Forge release Theres a toml config file to set the drop chance You may modify this value in the Config menu inside the Mine Spawners Forge mod from the Forge mods menu for clientside/single player.
Remove Delay NBT so spawners of the same mob types can stack together.
Updated to 1.21.4
Updated to 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
Added a config file to change the drop chance. May be set using Mod Menu.
Updated to 1.21.1
Update to 1.21
Fixed an issue that made the spawner not drop in some worlds
Made compatible with 1.20.6
Updated to 1.20.5
Updated to 1.20.3 and 1.20.4.
Small bugfix. See Issue #1 on GitHub.
Should work on 1.20, 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 now
Fixed an issue that made it work only when put on server and client. Should be server side only now.