If you need any assistance, please reach out in our Matrix Room
Matrix Bridge
Matrix Bridge allows users to bridge a Minecraft server's chat with a Matrix room. This mod enables Matrix users to talk with Minecraft players, without logging into the Minecraft world.
This bridge will send server start, server stop, player join, player leave, player death and player chat messages. This bridge also includes three commands, "!ping", "!list" and "!invite <username>". The "!invite" command allows Matrix users to whitelist an account; this can be disabled in the config.
This bridge only accepts password-based login. User tokens can not be used. Full support for MAS has not yet been implemented.
This mod will be ported to different versions of the game as needed or requested.
Matrix Bridge utilizes the Trixnity Matrix SDK and the Fabric Language Kotlin mod.
Configuration file can be found at 'matrix-bridge/config.json'.
Example Config:
"version": 1, # DO NOT MODIFY. Used to detect when you need to change config.
"homeserver": "https://example.org", # Synapse URL. Supports delegation.
"username": "user", # Localpart of user's MXID.
"password": "password", # User's login password. Does not support tokens or SSO.
"deviceName": "Matrix-Minecraft Bridge", # Name of device.
"verifyType": "KEY", # Either KEY or PASSPHRASE
"verifyToken": "AaAA aaAa AAaa...", # Respective value of verifyType. Example uses KEY
"room": "!Msdjfjxcjdj323:example.org", # Internal ID of room
"verbose": false, # Reveals Trixnity log messages. Useful for debugging.
"commandInvite": true, # Whether the !invite command is enabled.
"messagePlayer": "[§e%player%§r] ", # %player% is replaced with player's username.
"messageStart": "❇ Server started",
"messageStop": "🛑 Server stopped",
"messageJoin": "🟡 %player% joined the game",
"messageLeft": "🟡 %player% left the game",
"messageDeath": "🪦 %message%",
"messageList": "📜 Online players: ", # Prints before the player list
"messagePong": "🏓 Pong!",
"messageInvalid": "⛔ Command not found! Available commands: !ping, !list, !invite \u003cusername\u003e",
"messageDisabled": "⛔ Command disabled! Please contact an administrator if this is an error.", # Used when invite command is disabled.
"messageWhitelistSuccess": "🔵 \u0027%player%\u0027 has been whitelisted!",
"messageWhitelistError": "🔵 \u0027%player%\u0027 could not be found.",
"messageWhitelistAlready": "🔵 \u0027%player%\u0027 is already whitelisted!",
"messageChat": "\u003c%player%\u003e "
- Homeserver URL must contain preceding 'http(s)'. E.g., 'https://example.org'
- Username must only be local part. I.e., 'user' not '@user:example.org'
- Room must be full room ID. E.g., '!Msdjfjxcjdj323:example.org'
If you are unsure what your homeserver URL is, it can be found in Element under 'Settings' > 'Help & About' > 'Advanced'.
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