fabric version
the fabric version is much better than the forge version. as of v3.0.1, the mod now suports user defined easing functions and more than two colors in the gradient, as well as modmenu config integration with YetAnotherConfigLib.
these are the new easings:
cubic : y=x^3
iocubic : y=x < 0.5 ? 4*x^3 : 1-(-2*x+2)^3 / 2
invcubic : y=-(x^3)+1
invtesra : y=(x-1)^4
invcube : y=-(x-1)^3
linear : y=x
forge version
mai is a client side mod that changes the color of the sunset. that is all that it does.
the sunset is redder(this is configurable through the filesystem).
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Updated 5 months ago