LUMINOUS:BEASTS V1.2.3 Changelog
-Reorganized the whole creative menu
-The Beast pit now spawns legendary beasts in a range around the pit, making for less predictable spawning
-Added a new line of text to the beast pit, clarifying that it works better in open areas
-Legendary Beasts no longer require advancements for the player to get the legendary item drop. It will now be based on a global variable per player, so mods like advancement nuker work alongside this mod
-Added the Gilded Ent for a limited time only, available from 2/23/25 to 3/10/25
-Added a new "gilded" particle effect which spawns around the gilded ent
-Added a Gilded Ent trophy
-Added a page in the Bestiary for the Gilded Ent
-Added a "Spawnlimitedtimebeasts" gamerule
-HOTFIX 1.2.3 - fixed an issue with the "dolimitedtimebeasts" gamerule causing the main LUMINOUS mod to not load
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Phoenix Nest would not affect it's spawn rate
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Sea Viper Egg would not affect it's spawn rate
-Removed excess procedural blocks from the beats pit spawning procedure, making it slightly less intense on memory when a beast spawns
-The Beast pit is now detected as "blocked" by enemies attempting to path find, meaning rabbits will no longer get stuck in the beast pit
-Fixed an issue where, in certain scenarios, the mushlin spewer would not close it's eyes during it's death animation
-Fixed an incorrectly mapped texture on the side of Vile Gator
-All spawning related configuration variables are now true/false as opposed to numbers 0-3
-Decreased the hitbox size of the King Hermit and Rare King Hermit by 0.2
-If the beast pit attempts to spawn a beast, but the selected area is an invalid size, the particles will show, but no beast will be spawned
-Reduced the amount of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Reduced the range of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Changed the recipe of the beast pit, now requiring one gunpowder in the middle
-Slightly adjusted the Ai of the Vile Gator and Rare Vile Gator so they float in the water and swim through the water more reliably
-Completely replaced the existing config with a new one. The "LUMINOUS BEASTS.toml" file no longer effects the game, and players should instead use the "Luminous_Beasts_Configuration.toml" file. I am making this change with all of my mods due to a corruption in the config files during porting to 1.21. Doing this will prevent the issue from happening again, and it gives me the opportunity to clean up the config a little. I apologize for the inconvenience.
KNOWN/UNFIXED BUGS: Â -Vile gator and Rare Vile Gator's AI still act strange when in water
-Originally, Luminous: Beasts was intended to be a fork of LUMINOUS with just the beasts. After making this mod, I ended up adding the Rare beasts as additional content for people looking to get more, and figured it could be more of an addon for LUMINOUS. Seeing as that was never the original intention, I want to mention that the Rare beasts from this mod will be added to the original Luminous mod, for those interested. All this means is that downloading this mod over others does not give anywhere near as big of a content gap as it did before
LUMINOUS:BEASTS V1.2.3 Changelog
-Reorganized the whole creative menu
-The Beast pit now spawns legendary beasts in a range around the pit, making for less predictable spawning
-Added a new line of text to the beast pit, clarifying that it works better in open areas
-Legendary Beasts no longer require advancements for the player to get the legendary item drop. It will now be based on a global variable per player, so mods like advancement nuker work alongside this mod
-Added the Gilded Ent for a limited time only, available from 2/23/25 to 3/10/25
-Added a new "gilded" particle effect which spawns around the gilded ent
-Added a Gilded Ent trophy
-Added a page in the Bestiary for the Gilded Ent
-Added a "Spawnlimitedtimebeasts" gamerule
-HOTFIX 1.2.3 - fixed an issue with the "dolimitedtimebeasts" gamerule causing the main LUMINOUS mod to not load
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Phoenix Nest would not affect it's spawn rate
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Sea Viper Egg would not affect it's spawn rate
-Removed excess procedural blocks from the beats pit spawning procedure, making it slightly less intense on memory when a beast spawns
-The Beast pit is now detected as "blocked" by enemies attempting to path find, meaning rabbits will no longer get stuck in the beast pit
-Fixed an issue where, in certain scenarios, the mushlin spewer would not close it's eyes during it's death animation
-Fixed an incorrectly mapped texture on the side of Vile Gator
-All spawning related configuration variables are now true/false as opposed to numbers 0-3
-Decreased the hitbox size of the King Hermit and Rare King Hermit by 0.2
-If the beast pit attempts to spawn a beast, but the selected area is an invalid size, the particles will show, but no beast will be spawned
-Reduced the amount of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Reduced the range of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Changed the recipe of the beast pit, now requiring one gunpowder in the middle
-Slightly adjusted the Ai of the Vile Gator and Rare Vile Gator so they float in the water and swim through the water more reliably
-Completely replaced the existing config with a new one. The "LUMINOUS BEASTS.toml" file no longer effects the game, and players should instead use the "Luminous_Beasts_Configuration.toml" file. I am making this change with all of my mods due to a corruption in the config files during porting to 1.21. Doing this will prevent the issue from happening again, and it gives me the opportunity to clean up the config a little. I apologize for the inconvenience.
KNOWN/UNFIXED BUGS: Â -Vile gator and Rare Vile Gator's AI still act strange when in water
-Originally, Luminous: Beasts was intended to be a fork of LUMINOUS with just the beasts. After making this mod, I ended up adding the Rare beasts as additional content for people looking to get more, and figured it could be more of an addon for LUMINOUS. Seeing as that was never the original intention, I want to mention that the Rare beasts from this mod will be added to the original Luminous mod, for those interested. All this means is that downloading this mod over others does not give anywhere near as big of a content gap as it did before.
LUMINOUS:BEASTS V1.2.3 Changelog
-The Beast pit now spawns legendary beasts in a range around the pit, making for less predictable spawning
-Legendary Beasts no longer require advancements for the player to get the legendary item drop. It will now be based on a global variable per player, so mods like advancement nuker work alongside this mod
-Added a new line of text to the beast pit, clarifying that it works better in open areas
-Legendary Beasts no longer require advancements for the player to get the legendary item drop. It will now be based on a global variable per player, so mods like advancement nuker work alongside this mod
-Added the Gilded Ent for a limited time only, available from 2/23/25 to 3/10/25
-Added a new "gilded" particle effect which spawns around the gilded ent
-Added a Gilded Ent trophy
-Added a page in the Bestiary for the Gilded Ent
-Added a "Spawnlimitedtimebeasts" gamerule
-HOTFIX 1.2.3 - fixed a game breaking bug that caused the LUMINOUS mod to not work alongside this mod
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Phoenix Nest would not affect it's spawn rate
-Fixed a bug where the configuration file for the Rare Sea Viper Egg would not affect it's spawn rate
-Removed excess procedural blocks from the beats pit spawning procedure, making it slightly less intense on memory when a beast spawns
-The Beast pit is now detected as "blocked" by enemies attempting to path find, meaning rabbits will no longer get stuck in the beast pit
-Fixed an issue where, in certain scenarios, the mushlin spewer would not close it's eyes during it's death animation
-Fixed an incorrectly mapped texture on the side of Vile Gator
-All spawning related configuration variables are now true/false as opposed to numbers 0-3
-Decreased the hitbox size of the King Hermit and Rare King Hermit by 0.2
-If the beast pit attempts to spawn a beast, but the selected area is an invalid size, the particles will show, but no beast will be spawned
-Reduced the amount of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Reduced the range of particles that show from a beast pit when an attempting to spawn a beast
-Changed the recipe of the beast pit, now requiring one gunpowder in the middle
-Slightly adjusted the Ai of the Vile Gator and Rare Vile Gator so they float in the water and swim through the water more reliably
-Completely replaced the existing config with a new one. The "LUMINOUS BEASTS.toml" file no longer effects the game, and players should instead use the "Luminous_Beasts_Configuration.toml" file. I am making this change with all of my mods due to a corruption in the config files during porting to 1.21. Doing this will prevent the issue from happening again, and it gives me the opportunity to clean up the config a little. I apologize for the inconvenience.
-Vile gator and Rare Vile Gator's AI still act strange when in water
-Originally, Luminous: Beasts was intended to be a fork of LUMINOUS with just the beasts. After making this mod, I ended up adding the Rare beasts as additional content for people looking to get more, and figured it could be more of an addon for LUMINOUS. Seeing as that was never the original intention, I want to mention that the Rare beasts from this mod will be added to the original Luminous mod, for those interested. All this means is that downloading this mod over others does not give anywhere near as big of a content gap as it did before.
-Added the ULTIMATE BESTIARY - A Book full of every legendary beast and rare variant!
-Added the Phoenix egg - a new way to find and kill the Phoenix, you will find Phoenix nests in the badlands biome!
-Added the Wind Phoenix egg - a new way to find and kill the Wind Phoenix, you will find Wind Phoenix nests in the stony peaks and stony shores biomes!
-Added hatch, a new flammable block phoenix's make their nests out of!
-Added the Furnace - the third beast from the LUMINOUS:NETHER mod - a powerful nether brick oven who stomps around the nether wastes!
-Added the Horseless Headsman - the legendary beast from LUMINOUS:HALLOWEEN
-Added the Soul Furnace - a rare variant of the furnace
-Added the Scarecrow - a rare variant of the Horseless Headsman
-Added trophies for all 4 new beasts
-Added a music disc for the furnace
-Added a music disc for the horseless headsman
-Added the molten coal - an item that gives a player strength when they are on fire
-Added the pumpkin helmet - an item that gives the player strength during a full moon
-Added the BEAST PIT - the new way to increase the spawns of legendary beasts! place one in a biome that a particular beast is located in - and one might appearing!
-Added four new configuration variables: -pit_max, which determines the maximum amount of beast pits that can be lit at a given time (default is 2)
-pit_duration, which determines the amount of time (in seconds) a beast pit will stay lit for (default is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes, and despite being configurable, the beast pit will only attempt to spawn a beast twice, at 100 and 200 seconds remaining, this will be updated in a coming patch)
-headsman_spawn, which determines if the Horseless Headsman will spawn
-rare_headsman_spawn, which will determine if the scarecrow will spawn
-Added a new configuration category - "Enable modded biome spawn" - This new configuration category is currently only applied to one beast, the yeti. I'm experimenting with allowing legendary beasts, if this configuration variable is set to TRUE, to be able to spawn in biomes falling under the biome tags with the forge namespace (forge:is_cold/overworld for this example) I did not commit to full implementation, as the tags cover more than one biome in most cases, so I need to look into this further to make sure certain beasts are not spawning in far too many biomes.
-Fixed an issue involving the Tree Ent, Rare Tree Ent, Bone Stalker, Rare Bone Stalker, and Rare Yeti, spawn procedures, making them less likely to find a valid place to spawn in certain conditions
-Fixed an issue where the Yeti would not abide by it's configuration number, meaning it would spawn whenever regardless
-Fixed an issue where an error in the code meant the Phoenix and Wind Phoenix would overpower any other mobs in their respective biomes, making them spawn far too often
-Updated the texture of the executioner music disc, to match the normal variant instead of the rare variant.
-Updated the colors of the spawn eggs for the Phoenix, Baby phoenix, Wind Phoenix, Baby Wind Phoenix, and Bone Stalker, to make them more distinguishable
-Added all beasts to the "forge:legendarybeast" tag, meaning the totem of beasts from LUMINOUS will be compatible with any of the rare variants!
-Replaced the "basalt executioner" disc with the "executioner" disc for consistency. Any existing discs will be removed. Sorry for the inconvenience!
-All nether based legendary beasts have had their spawn weights reduced drastically due to an imbalance of spawn weight. They should now be roughly as rare as overworld beasts
-Removed snowy slopes and frozen peaks as spawn options for the yeti
-Improved the AI of most beasts to make improper pathing and attacking less likely
-Vile gator and Rare Vile Gator do not swim correctly, making their AI useless when in water
-Added a separate config for each of the rare legendary beasts, so players can disable the normal beasts independent from the rare ones
-Fixed a bug where the Piglin and basalt executioners would not play their death animation when killed -Fixed a bug where the Piglin and basalt executioners would not attack after they spawned their minions
-None this time! Stay tuned!
-Simplified the config text by a lot, it is now much easier to read -Tweaked how legendary beasts spawn to make some of them (namely the Vile Gator) spawn more reliably -Removed the speed effect from the piglin and basalt executioner after it spawns minions -Increased the time the piglin and basalt executioner is still after spawning it's minions by 1 second -Increased the amount of piglins spawned by the Piglin Executioner from 3 > 4 -Increased the amount of magma cubes spawned by the Basalt Executioner from 3 > 4
-None at the moment, feel free to comment Any you find!