- Added Withering Litherite
Armor will remove withering effect as well as give attackers the withering effect. (works with projectiles)
Withering Litherite Crystals can be obtained by throwing Litherite Crystals at a wither rose or on top of a Withering Litherite Crystal Block.
Withering Litherite Sword will give the withering effect on hit.
Ported to 1.19.2
Ported to 1.20
Added Freezing & Scorching effects for the armor allowing you to interact with the world
Added keybinds for Freezing & Schorching default is grave
Added Freezing Station and Fire Crucible, which are used to make Frozen and Burning Litherite
Added (Frozen/Burning) Litherite Hammers
Burning tools will now automatically smelt items upon breaking the block (this goes for all the burning tools/weapons)
Updated & Reimagined for 1.19.4
Ported & Reimagined for 1.19.4