Now Piglin love khopesh Fixed Armor's Armor value Fixed Meat shredder's knockback
Rewrite Sandstorm in the bottle's code
Fixed lang, armor value, blocks not added in creative tab, ancient remnant offset, fusion anvil recipe, leviathan laser doesn't bypasses armor Rewrite sandstorm in a bottle's code
Maybe Fixed sandstorm In a bottle cause crash in multiserver(idk)
Fixed Sandstorm in a bottle
Fixed Poison Dart
Updated zh_tw
Reduced the Meat shredder's sound
Changed the Meat shredder sound play method
(Maybe)Fixed sandstorm in a bottle's flying bug
Updated pt_br
Replaced Koboleton's Sound Replaced Ancient Remnant's Death Sound Rewrite Waterlogging fix producer(No More Log bomb) Updated Pt_br Added A.R advancements
Fixed A.R's Drop exp
Fixed multiserver error
Fixed Leviathan's HoldAttack
Updated Pt_br
Added Ancient Remnant Contents Added Deepling warlock Reworked Sunken City Added More The Harbinger' s Contents