- Update to 1.21 (@BenCat07)
- Update for Minecraft 1.20.5/1.20.6
- Fixes a memory leak.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20
- Removed a mixin that is now implemented in the base game
- Improved protocol conformance - Krypton now handles servers dynamically disabling and re-enabling compression
- Added events indicating when certain events in the network pipeline happen that mods can snoop on
- As a consequence of this, the old ViaFabric hooks have been removed.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.18
- Fixed connecting to certain misbehaving server implementations
- Added optimizations for the Minecraft entity tracker:
- Optimized passenger check for the common case where there are no passengers riding an entity.
- Optimized chunk sending to only track entities the player is nearby to