- Added a possibility to Disable Fatigue, Revive and Temperature Mechanic (Using eg. /toggle-revive command, requires permission level 1)
I'm so sorry for last week bugs, I didn't know they even existed!, also I have a lot of free time now so I will try my best to update the mod frequently
- Made Dying Effect More Intuitive by giving the effect when you died so you can still get away with 1 hp but if you die you get one more chance if you get revived
- Salmonella Gives Nausea and Weakness
- Updated Wounds icon to be mroe Pixel consistent
- Added health ui using the H button
- Health UI also applies to Players when right clicking whilst they are also not dying!
- Fixed more fking bugs
- Fixed Some Bugs
- Added Polish Language
- Clicking RMB on a dying player will pop up the revival GUI
- Fixed bugs and added some stuff
! Add me on discord for BugReports (My name is the same as on Modrinth) !
- Fixed Some Stuff
- Clicking E on a Dying Player revives them with 5 HP
I'm super busy with School and tests, But I tried my best to make this update as packed as I can!
- Give In Command
- When your healthy is at 1 heart or below you'd just stay in place unable to be attacked or move, you will die in 1 min
- Bug Fixes
- Dying Effect
- Changed The icon of Tired Effect
I'm back! Added:
- Sanity
- Advancements
- Fatigue
- Phantoms (Spawn when Low sanity) Untested Version so please in case of a bug text me on discord! (simpfeyishigh)
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Deleted Spears ! ( As they will be moved to another mod )
- Added Temperature Bar (Only shown in SURVIVAL Inventory) (Cause MCreator is playing games on me)
- Fixed Temperature jumping up a ton when going under water and slowly going down
! Bigger Updates Next Week !
- Fixed quite a lot of bugs
- Changed Temperature And Cold (ILL) lowest requirements
Future Plans
- Temperature Bar
- Added Cold (ill)
- Cold Now Makes You Cough!
- Salmonella Ups Your Body Temperature
- Added Body temperature
- Added World temperature
- Changed Logo, BuyMeACoffee Banner, Bandage textures
- Fixed bandages crafting (Now Crafted with white and red wool ball)
- Now you break legs after at least 6 blocks and it increases by 2 every broken leg
Found Bugs
- Coughing sound starts twice (Sometimes?)
Plans for future
- Add nutrition system
- Drinking System -- Unknown If Will Work
- Plastic Work
- Jobs
- My brother is in the making of a weapons mod compatible with KeepItHealthy!
- Added Salmonella
- Added Coughing (for now only possible when salmonella is active)
- Added Salmonella effect apply upon eating raw chicken
Found Bugs
- Coughing sound starts twice
Plans for future
- Add nutrition system
- 2nd Level Salmonella
- More Weapons
- Drinking System -- Unknown If Will Work
- Plastic Work
- Jobs
Update 1.0.1
- Balance Fixes
- Fixed Bug: Wound not giving random 1 damage
- Spears can now be used as melees
- Renamed modId from KeepItHealthy to simply kih
The initial realease of MakeItHealthy!
- Added 3 spear variants
- Added Morphine, Disinfectant
- Added Bandages
- Added Broken Bone, Wound, Infected Wound Effects
- Added Custom Death Messages for the Effects