Added more effect descriptions for the following mods: cofh_core, mowzies_mobs, nether_extension, eidolon, forbidden_arcanus. Thanks to Pau_1eal for providing these
Added a $effect keyword through which you can now filter all effects in JEI search bar
removed some unused code and cleaned up some imports. This fixed some potential server sided issues
Added config with an optional blacklist, useful to not make some selected effects not register at all
Added more tooltips and reformatted a lot of older ones to be more consistent and precise
Added some inter mod compatibility, it particular JEED can now be used with Forge REI port instead of JEI (cry about it >:) )
Updated to 1.17.1
Removed all recipe catalysts for effect recipes and properly fixed recipe ingredient and output list so the work as one would expect.
Hidden effects will no longer show
Beacon effects are now gathered dynamically
Removed redundant recipes
Reformatted and improved many descriptions
Added descriptions for the following mods:
- abundance
- alexs mobs
- apotheosis
- archers paradox
- astral sorcery
- atmospheric
- autumnity
- botania
- buzzier bees
- caverns and chasms
- environmental
- farmers delight
- fruitful
- immersive engineering
- infernal expansion
- neapolitan
- nether extension
- quark
- rats
- savageandravage
- seasonals
- tetra
- twilightforest
- upgrade aquatic
- xreliquary
The potion_provider recipe type now suppors a "potion" optional argument where one can specify a list of options that will selectively be applied to said item instead of applying them all if leaving this blank
First release