Dragon Whistle: Gronckle Sit Command
The dragon whistle is used to issue the sit command to a nearby gronckle.

Dragon Whistle: Fury Family Commands
In addition to issuing commands only to a particular species, the whistle also has a category for all three members of the fury family- night furies, light furies, and night lights.

Dragon Whistle: Crafting & Tooltip Info
By default, the dragon whistle is crafted using two sticks placed diagonally, and displays info about its current command, species, and range in its tooltip.

Dragon Transport Cage: Cage Dragon
The dragon transport cage can be used to pick up a dragon as an item, allowing them to be carried in a player's inventory.

Dragon Transport Cage: Caged Dragon Info
If a cage is currently carrying a dragon, it will display the dragon's species, owner, and health in the tooltip.

Dragon Transport Cage: Crafting
By default, the dragon transport cage is crafted by placing 3 iron bars in a row between two rows of 3 gronckle iron ingots.