- Fixed a critical crash caused by plushies being incompatible with certain other mods
- Added Alex's Caves compatibility
- Fixed a critical crash caused by plushies being incompatible with certain other mods
- Added Alex's Caves compatibility (I know its not on Fabric)
Important Note
This is a reduced version of Hybrid Aquatic 1.4.0, intended for use with Sinytra Connector. A few features of the mod have been removed for compatibility.
Bugs may be present, use at own risk.
Important Note
This update is best experienced in a new world or in new chunks as it adds a lot of worldgen features. It'll also slightly mess up existing thermal vents, but not in a big way.
- Added Water Lettuce
- Added Jungle Lily Pad
- Added Glowing Plankton, and invisible and unobtainable block that glows and emits particles when moved through
- Added Sargassum
- Added Floating Sargassum
- Added Sea Lettuce
- Added Red Algae
- Added Sun Corals
- Added Button Corals
- Added Rafts
- Added Tube Worms
- Added Strawberry Anemone
- Remade Thermal Vents
- Adjusted Buoy hitbox
- Giant clams have been reworked
- Crate loot has been reworked
- Plushies are a lot more common from crates
- Cosmetics are a lot more common from crates
- Driftwood is a lot more common from crates
- Fixed crate rarity and mineability
- Removed tube sponge block item, can now be placed with a regular tube sponge item instead
- Added African Butterfly Fish
- Added Coelacanth
- Added Damselfish
- Added Flying Fish
- Added Golden Dorado
- Added John Dory
- Added Mackerel
- Added Pearlfish, can spawn when a sea cucumber is killed
- Added Sea Bass
- Added Snailfish
- Added Squirrelfish
- Added Arrow Squid
- Added Cosmic Jellyfish
- Added Firework Jellyfish
- Added Big Red Jellyfish
- Added Box Jellyfish
- Added Decorator Crab
- Added Lantern Shark
- Crabs/Crustaceans have been remodeled
- Sharks have been remodeled
- Some fish have been remodeled
- Most crabs now dance to music
- Adjusted health and speed of all entities
- Changed how creatures spawn
- Vampire Squids now have feeding behaviour
- Whale Sharks now have feeding behaviour
- Basking Sharks now have feeding behaviour
- Squids now inflict blindness to entities caught in their ink cloud
- Tiger sharks now burp out random items after they eat
- Shark teeth drop when blocking a shark attack with a shield
- Toadfish inflate and deflate like pufferfish
- Added Sulfur, obtainable by mining thermal vents
- Added Coral Chunk, obtainable by shearing/killing Decorator Crabs (doesnt regrow for now)
- Added Coral toolset
- Added new fish items
- Retextured all items
- Fishing nets can now pick up sharksWorld Generation:
- Added glowing plankton to warm ocean surface
- Added floating sargassum patches to deep lukewarm oceans
- Added sargassum to oceans, lukewarm oceans, and deep lukewarm oceans
- Added sea lettuce to warm oceans
- Added red algae to warm and lukewarm oceans
- Added water lettuce to rivers, swamps, and mangroves
- Added jungle lily pads to jungles
- Changed how thermal vents generate
- Added Corrosion, which eats away at your armor and item durability when applied. Corrosion can be applied by standing on a thermal vent, or brewing a Potion of Corrosion with Sulfur
- Added a config for mob spawning
- Added compatibility with Tides Mod
- Added compatibility with Scorchful/Frostiful
- Added compatibility with Terrestria
- Added compatibility with Terralith
- Added compatibility with Biomes We've Gone
- Added compatibility with Biomes O'Plenty
- Added compatibility with William Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere
- Added compatibility with Mystic's Biomes
- Added compatibility with River Redux
- Improved compatibility with Regions Unexplored
Bug Fixes:
- Removed marine snow weather effect
- Reduced underwater fog (by popular demand)
- Fixed issue with diving boot step height
- Fixed plushie sounds
- Fixed giant clams having pearls when broken and placed
- Fixed a bunch of foods having too much saturation value
- Missing item tags
- Missing block tags
- Missing entity tags
- Fixed driftwood crates being unobtainable
- Fixed crab pot xray glitch
Hotfix: Fixed a crash caused by missing files PROPERLY this time
Added Parrotfish in warm oceans
Added Koi Carp, a very rare fish that spawns in cherry groves (and certain modded biomes)
Added Bluefin Tuna, a variant for deep oceans
Added Pompano Dolphinfish, a Mahi variant
Readded Betta variants
Made sharks temptable with any raw fish item
Lowered the volume on shark bites
Remade lobsters from scratch, with different drops depending on their variant
Added a Skull hermit crab variant
Hermit crabs now drop nautilus shells or skeleton skulls depending on their variant
Crustaceans no longer suffocate on land
Improved crustacean AI
Karkinos now has significantly higher health
Karkinos flip time increased to 3 seconds (hit him with riptide 1+ or bane of arthropods 2+ to flip him)
Karkinos now has an animation when aggressive
Karkinos is now registered as a hostile entity, and will be attacked by iron golems
Karkinos damage increased
Added sea urchin spines, drops from sea urchins
Added Seashell toolset, a stone-adjacent tier
Added Nautilus armor
Added lobster tail and cooked lobster tail
Added Crab Pot, a new crate block that drops crab/lobster/shrimp loot when broken with an axe
Updated some item sprites
Tweaked armor values of diving set
Creatures killed by predators will no longer drop loot (except vanilla fish)
Fixed missing recipes for turning certain fish items into fish meat/steak
Changed spawn biomes for all fish to use a new "habitat" system
Made it so certain fish can only be fished up in certain biomes (their spawn biomes)
Hybrid Crates and Crab Pots can now only be fished up in (any) ocean and beach biome
Hybrid Crates now only drop plushies and cosmetics, no junk items
Jellyfish will no longer sting you if you are in a boat
Bleeding effect has been nerfed, now only takes away one third of your max health rather than half, with a reduced duration as well
Added Buoyancy effect, which pushes you up if you are in water, brewed with kelp
Added Spininess effect, which gives you a natural thorniness, brewed with Sea Urchin Spines
Added Swimming potion, which give you dolphin's grace and hunger, brewed with mahi
Clarity potions are now brewed with Barreleyes
Pearls and Black Pearls now brew Minor Luck and Major Luck potions
Added icon for Thalassophobia effect
Added compatibility with Regions Unexplored, Terralith, and Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere
Optimized starfish and sea urchin models
Optimized model, animation, and texture organization to reduce mod file size
Fixed some misplaced or missing entity tags, which should help with entity count
Random bug fixes and quality of life features all around
Added Parrotfish in warm oceans
Added Koi Carp, a very rare fish that spawns in cherry groves (and certain modded biomes)
Added Bluefin Tuna, a variant for deep oceans
Added Pompano Dolphinfish, a Mahi variant
Readded Betta variants
Made sharks temptable with any raw fish item
Lowered the volume on shark bites
Remade lobsters from scratch, with different drops depending on their variant
Added a Skull hermit crab variant
Hermit crabs now drop nautilus shells or skeleton skulls depending on their variant
Crustaceans no longer suffocate on land
Improved crustacean AI
Karkinos now has significantly higher health
Karkinos flip time increased to 3 seconds (hit him with riptide 1+ or bane of arthropods 2+ to flip him)
Karkinos now has an animation when aggressive
Karkinos is now registered as a hostile entity, and will be attacked by iron golems
Karkinos damage increased
Added sea urchin spines, drops from sea urchins
Added Seashell toolset, a stone-adjacent tier
Added Nautilus armor
Added lobster tail and cooked lobster tail
Added Crab Pot, a new crate block that drops crab/lobster/shrimp loot when broken with an axe
Updated some item sprites
Tweaked armor values of diving set
Creatures killed by predators will no longer drop loot (except vanilla fish)
Fixed missing recipes for turning certain fish items into fish meat/steak
Changed spawn biomes for all fish to use a new "habitat" system
Made it so certain fish can only be fished up in certain biomes (their spawn biomes)
Hybrid Crates and Crab Pots can now only be fished up in (any) ocean and beach biome
Hybrid Crates now only drop plushies and cosmetics, no junk items
Jellyfish will no longer sting you if you are in a boat
Bleeding effect has been nerfed, now only takes away one third of your max health rather than half, with a reduced duration as well
Added Buoyancy effect, which pushes you up if you are in water, brewed with kelp
Added Spininess effect, which gives you a natural thorniness, brewed with Sea Urchin Spines
Added Swimming potion, which give you dolphin's grace and hunger, brewed with mahi
Clarity potions are now brewed with Barreleyes
Pearls and Black Pearls now brew Minor Luck and Major Luck potions
Added icon for Thalassophobia effect
Added compatibility with Regions Unexplored, Terralith, and Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere
Optimized starfish and sea urchin models
Optimized model, animation, and texture organization to reduce mod file size
Fixed some misplaced or missing entity tags, which should help with entity count
Random bug fixes and quality of life features all around
Diving helmets no longer give infinite water breathing
Diving boots now make you sink faster but stop you from pressing space to swim (can only swim in swimming pose)
Reduced underwater fog (for now)
Introduced a new fish variant system that will be expanded as time goes on
Added idle animations to all fish
Added more fish items
Deep sea fish will now prefer to stay in deeper water
Added manta rays
Sharks are now 3x faster when hunting
Fixed barrel jellyfish spawning in caves and air- Karkinos movement speed reduced
Reworked thermal vents
Added basic compatibility with William Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere
Added basic compatibility with Farmer's Delight
A lot of other random tweaks and fixes all around
Added a special message in a bottle in memory of my beloved dog, Mylo, who recently passed away
- Fixed crustaceans suffocating on land (for real this time)
- Fixed driftwood door texture issue
- Fixed thorn and lophelia corals being unobtainable
- Glowsticks and coral fans can now be placed on walls
- Glowsticks now only emit light underwater
- Crustaceans no longer suffocate on land
- Fixed a crash when using Hybrid Aquatic with Go Fish
- All creatures (except crabs/critters) now have a hunger meter
- All creatures (except crabs/critters) now have predators and prey (if applicable)
- Sharks are now more aggressive and seek revenge when attacked
- Sharks inflict Bleeding on a successful attack
- Shark prey lists updated
- Added bite sound to sharks
- Updated shark models, textures, and animations
- Creatures placed by a fishing net will NOT engage in hunting behaviour
- Fish will hunt down their prey and swim away from their predators
- Fish will swim away from jellyfish
- Fish will swim away from players
- Clownfish now enter and exit anemones properly
- Piranhas will hunt other fish, chickens, and small animals when hungry
- Piranhas inflict Bleeding on attack, and will attack any bleeding entity even if it's not on their prey list
- Piranha attack speed increased
- Piranhas seek revenge on players, and will draw all nearby piranhas to help them
- Added bite sound to fish -Updated almost all fish animations
- Jellyfish now swim around
- Jellyfish will rotate in the direction of movement
- Fixed jumping jellyfish bug
- Updated almost all jellyfish animations
- Cephalopods now their own entity type
- Cephalopods now swim in bursts, similar to Minecraft squids
- Some cephalopods now squirt ink when attacked
- Crabs now their own entity type
- Crabs will attack baby sea turtles on land
- Fixed crab and critter animations not playing properly
- Added Clarity effect which removes underwater fog, brewed with a Pearl and an Awkward Potion
- Conduit Power now removes underwater fog
- Buoys will apply Clarity in a radius around them
- Added glowsticks
- Origins with the Water Vision ability have permanent Clarity
Armor & Tools:
- Added diving armor
- Diving helmet provides Water Breathing and Clarity when submerged in water
- Added turtle chestplate, which provides resistance but also slowness
- Added four new cosmetic armors
- Fishing net now has a 3D model
- Added Thorn coral set
- Added Lophelia coral set
- Added Driftwood wood set
- Added new crates for every wood type
- Fishermen villagers will now buy/sell Hybrid Aquatic items
- Fishermen at level 3 will buy Pearls for emeralds
- Added new messages to messages in bottles
Bugs & Such:
- Reorganized a lot of files
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Removed Karkinosbrine
- Added Umbrella Octopus
- Tweaked spawning settings of everything
- Contains all additions from Hybrid Aquatic 1.2.0
- Added Umbrella Octopus
- Tweaked spawning settings of everything
Hotfix for a conflict between the Create mod and Hybrid Aquatic 1.2.0
This update edits a lot of entities and items. As such, any previously existing food items from our mod will disappear, along with previously existing crabs and giant clams.
- Added Lightfoot crab
- Added Spider crab
- Added Yeti crab
- Added Vampire crab
- Added Coconut crab
- Added Horseshoe crab
- Added Ghost crab
- Added Flower crab
- Added Giant isopod
- Added Lobster
- Added Shrimp
- Added Crayfish
- Added Karkinos, a new miniboss
- Changed crabs into Dungeness crabs
- Sea urchins can now break kelp plants
- Giant clams changed from entities to tile entities
- Remodeled Hermit crabs
- Remodeled Fiddler crabs
- Sharks now only drop teeth when their attacks are blocked with a shield (shark teeth functionality still not added)
- Updated mob caps
- Added buoy
- Added thermal vent, which drops a random amount of raw copper/iron/gold
- Added sea sponge, which drops sponge chunks
- Added giant clam block
- Added 9 new claws
- Added raw and cooked lobster
- Added raw and cooked shrimp
- Added raw and cooked crayfish
- Added glowing potions and arrows
- Added sponge chunk, used to craft sponge blocks
- Added ominous hook, used to summon Karkinos
- Added Karkinos Claw, which increases player reach when in offhand
- Changed raw/cooked small fish meat into raw/cooked fish meat
- Changed raw/cooked large fish meat into raw/cooked fish steak
- Added marine snow, a weather phenomenon that appears in deep water during rain and storms
- Added underwater fog that gets stronger as you go deeper
- Removed whale shark glow
- Updated some item and entity textures
- Added bleeding effect, inflicted by shark attacks, reduces your health to half its maximum
- Added glowing, which can be obtained by brewing Glow Slime with an awkward potion
This update edits a lot of entities and items. As such, any previously existing food items from our mod will disappear, along with previously existing crabs and giant clams.
- Added Lightfoot crab
- Added Spider crab
- Added Yeti crab
- Added Vampire crab
- Added Coconut crab
- Added Horseshoe crab
- Added Ghost crab
- Added Flower crab
- Added Giant isopod
- Added Lobster
- Added Shrimp
- Added Crayfish
- Added Karkinos, a new miniboss
- Changed crabs into Dungeness crabs
- Sea urchins can now break kelp plants
- Giant clams changed from entities to tile entities
- Remodeled Hermit crabs
- Remodeled Fiddler crabs
- Sharks now only drop teeth when their attacks are blocked with a shield (shark teeth functionality still not added)
- Updated mob caps
- Added buoy
- Added thermal vent, which drops a random amount of raw copper/iron/gold
- Added sea sponge, which drops sponge chunks
- Added giant clam block
- Added 9 new claws
- Added raw and cooked lobster
- Added raw and cooked shrimp
- Added raw and cooked crayfish
- Added glowing potions and arrows
- Added sponge chunk, used to craft sponge blocks
- Added ominous hook, used to summon Karkinos
- Added Karkinos Claw, which increases player reach when in offhand
- Changed raw/cooked small fish meat into raw/cooked fish meat
- Changed raw/cooked large fish meat into raw/cooked fish steak
- Added marine snow, a weather phenomenon that appears in deep water during rain and storms
- Added underwater fog that gets stronger as you go deeper
- Removed whale shark glow
- Updated some item and entity textures
- Added bleeding effect, inflicted by shark attacks, reduces your health to half its maximum
- Added glowing, which can be obtained by brewing Glow Slime with an awkward potion
- Removed Rockfish from Stony Shores to fix a spawning bug