Ported to Minecraft 1.20.2!
Ported to Minecraft 1.20 and 1.20.1!
Ported to Minecraft 1.19.4!
Ported to Minecraft 1.18.2!
Ported to Minecraft 1.18 & 1.18.1!
Ported to Minecraft 1.19.1 and 1.19.2!
Ported to 1.19!
Added "blockEntityEffect" time effect that accelerates furnaces, hoppers, etc.
Added "hungerEffect" time effect that accelerates the effects of full/low food values.
Added "potionEffect" time effect that accelerates the duration of potions effects.
Added "allowDaySleep" config setting.
Added "sleepSpeedCurve" config setting that allows for more fine-grained control over sleep time speed.
Added a version update checker.
Adjusted default sleepSpeedMax to more closely align with vanilla sleep speed.
Fixed a bug where Hourglass modified the allowed sleep times while the Sleep Feature was disabled.
Fixed a bug that caused time to slightly overshoot morning after sleeping.
Fixed a bug that caused the Bed Clock to appear dim in multiplayer servers in Minecraft v1.16.2-1.16.5.