New Giftbox Creeper, Skeleton, Slime,
Zombie, and Snowman cards
You can now get all Gen 2 cardpacks through wandering traders
New Christmas cardpacks
Christmas cardpacks are craftable
Card types added - Giftbox
New Pillager, Vindicator, Evoker, Ravager, Which,
and Vex cards
Card types added - raider
New Arctic Fox, Snowman, Polerbear, and Stary cards
Card types - snowy, grounder, and swampy
New gen two cards - Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie,
Spider, Cave Spider, and Slime cards!
Minecraft gen two series card packs
Minecraft gen two series card packs are craftable
Zombie Villager, Hoglin, Zoglin, Vindicator, Piglin Brute, Random Robot, and Enhanced Creeper Cards
That's about it :I
Piglin, Breeze, Husk, Stary, Bogged, and Pillager Cards
New Transformer Card (RedCreeper)
Ablilty to craft Rando's and Halloween series Card packs
Gave the Minecraft series card packs a new texture
Endermite, Wither Skeleton, Evoker, Shulker, Ender Dragon, and Which cards
New Card Transformer
New achievements
Ability to get the Halloween Series card packs in survival
Creaking, Warden, Blaze, Iron Golem, Pufferfish, Magma Cube, Ghast, and Vex card
New Card Transformer
Craftable cardpacks Series - still Minecraft
Squid, Fox, Wither, Silverfish, Guardian, Elder Guardian, and S0DL0X cards
Craftable card packs Series - Minecraft
Blank, Creeper, Skeleton, Snowman, Zombie, Enderman, Phantom, Llama, Slime, Drown, Spider, Wolf, RedCreeper, and Gint, Pumpkin Creeper Card, Ghost Skeleton Card, Pumpkin Zombie Card, Skeleton Slime Card, Zombie Spider Card, Slime Enderman Card cards,
Minecraft, Randos, and Halloween cardpacks,
Craftable cardpacks Series - Minecraft