Welcome to The Cosmere!
The Cosmere is a universe devised by Brandon Sanderson, encompassing many worlds, each with their own variation of magic. This mod aims to bring Hemalurgy (from the Mistborn series' planet named Scadrial) specifically to Minecraft, ideally in a way as lore-friendly as possible while still making sense for gameplay purposes.
This mod is intended to be used with both Allomancy and Feruchemy modules for the Cosmere mod.
Multiple spikes implemented.
IRON - Steals 70% of the attack damage of killed entity (except players).
STEEL - Steals a Physical Allomantic power - Iron//Steel//Tin//Pewter
TIN - Incremental improved night vision
PEWTER - Steals a Physical Feruchemical power - Iron//Steel//Tin//Pewter
ZINC - Not Yet Implemented
BRASS - Steals a Cognitive Feruchemical power - Zinc//Brass//Copper//Bronze
COPPER - Incremental improved xp gain rate
BRONZE - Steals a Mental Allomantic power - Zinc//Brass//Copper//Bronze
CHROMIUM - Incremental improved chest loot luck
NICROSIL - Not Yet Implemented
ALUMINUM - Prevents the user from using their pwoers.
DURALUMIN - Not Yet Implemented
GOLD - Steals a Hybrid Feruchemical power - Gold//Electrum//Cadmium//Bendalloy
ELECTRUM - Steals an Enhancement Allomantic power - Aluminum//Duralumin//Chromium//Nicrosil
CADMIUM - Steals a Temporal Allomantic power - Gold//Electrum//Cadmium//Bendalloy
BENDALLOY - Steals a Spiritual Feruchemical power - Aluminum//Duralumin//Chromium//Nicrosil
Inter-Mod Compatibilities
This mod is designed to have extra features if you also installed Allomancy and Hemalurgy.
Allomancy - Allomancy lets you become a Misting or Mistborn! Consume certain types of metals based on the power you start with and burn it to access your allomantic ability!
Feruchemy - Feruchemy is the End-Neutral art of Scadrial, where you get out what you put in! If you have access to feruchemical abilities, that is.
We also like these mods:
(Required!) CuriosAPI - Because it's so much cooler to wear your metalminds and show off how cool you look.
JEI - because recipes are forever plentiful and who wants to have to google them all the time.
Patchouli - because I love well done in-game wiki/guidance
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