Ported to fabric for cobblemon 1.6.1
- temporarily removed trophies and clusters/buds
- temporarily removed armor set effects
- temporarily removed some recipes
- added new music disc "Dunes"
- Added easter plushies
- Added 5 tracks composed by DuskOfShades
- Added key items and form change items for most mons
- Added shiny plushies
- More trophies
- Creative menu overhaul
- Added 9 new crystal variants, as well as bricksets and chiseled sets for each crystal type
- Added some placeholder items in preperation for cobblemons update
- Added 8 holiday plushies (credits to BawngWawter)
- Added 4 new year round decorations (crystal lights by DuskofShades)
- Added 10 Crystal Color variants for decoration!
- Fixed Flickering for Shiny Stone Armor set (photosensitivity bug patch)
- Added 18 plushies (Thank you BawngWawter and CrayolaEater27)
- Added 9 halloween themed plushies
- Added 6 new gem types and their respective blocks
- Added calcite block variants
- Added more missing pokemon items (Evos and treasures)
- Added "wither skull fragments" to craft wither skulls
- Just a small bugfix for block hitboxes of plushies, reduces lag heavily :)
- Added new placeholder items for more accurate evolution methods/legendary form changes
- Added 20+ plushie blocks and 3 new trophies
- added 3 new brick variants (granite, diorite, and andesite) along with stairs slabs and walls of each
- added aquarium gravel block
- Added 4 Trophies
- Gold
- Silver
- Bronze
- Premier
- Added 4 Placeholder Items
- Iceroot Carrot
- Shaderoot Carrot
- White Stone
- Black Stone
- Made Armors Trimmable
- Added Type Plates
- Added Masks
- Added Griseous Orb
- Added Vile Vial
- Added Evo Stone Armors
- Added Diancie Mega Stone
- Added Gracidea Flower