Updated minecraft version to 1.20 / 1.20.1
Updated Minecraft version to 1.19.2
- New textures by Mayesnake
- 3d hook w/ physics
- small visual improvements
- bugfixes
Hotfix for v12.3
Updated to 1.18.2
A massive thank you to Nyfaria (https://github.com/Nyfaria) for doing this update!
Fixed minor bug: crash caused by grappling hooks which are improperly removed
Fixed minor bug: crash caused by grappling hooks which are improperly removed
Fixed minor bug:
- Fix bug: wallrun time (configured w/ max_wallrun_time) being reset after a wallrun times-out so a new wallrun starts immediately after when the config option dont_override_movement_in_air is used
Mostly a bugfix update
- Fixed bug: falling in lava and keeping momentum
- Fixed bug: wallrunning boots activate on ladders
- Fixed bug: nullpointerexception in getRenderBoundingBox after grappleArrow is loaded from NBT
- Fixed bug: Sliding enchantment maintains momentum while sneaking off the edge of a block
- Wallrunning keeps original speed even if it's larger than the max speed, but acceleration is still capped