Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Sleeping Crash
Tamed Ravagers' attributes are now configurable (except Unsaddled Health)
Updated Chinese Translations
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed adding Redstone Dust to long duration potions in Brewing Stands, turning said potions into Potions of Spider Climbing
Tweaked ambient Lich noises to no longer contain laughter.
Leeching Focus are now crafted through Necroturgy Rituals.
Changed "undeadTeleport" to "servantTeleport" config in goety-mobs.toml as the config applies to multiple servant types.
Servants summoned by Mobs will now teleport towards their owner if they're 32 blocks away or 8 blocks away and have no line of sight towards them.
Leaping Spell. Summons a Leapleaf, or potentially more when cast using Wild Staff. Focus requires the player to read Floral Scroll to craft.
Lich Laugh button. If player is on Lich Mode, pressing the Lich Laugh key will cause the player to play one of the Nameless One's laugh sounds.
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Fixes & Changes
Pine Trees now finally generate naturally properly.
Fixed Wild Robes not healing Natural and Arthropod Servants.
Fixed hostile Reapers and Brood Mothers not targeting Iron Golems.
Fixed Wandering Trader's modded Sapling Trade costs.
Twilight Goats now heal from being fed by any type of food instead of just meat.
Fixed Japanese Translation for Brood Mother.
Improved Spider Den degradation world generation effect.
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Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed Server Crash, ugh.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Zombie Vindicators not being summoned when within Woodland Mansions due to Village POI blocks within it.
Fixed Cultists not alerting other cultists when attacked.
Fixed Spasm effect pushing affected to only positive axis.
Fixed Blossoming Spell audio bug
Fixed Phantom Servants still burning in sunlight even when "undeadServantSunlightBurn" config is set to false.
Fixed Soul Bolts shot from Necro/Nameless Staff turning Zombie Villagers into a Zombie Servants instead of Zombie Villager Servants.
Fixed Soul Bolt conversions of Zombie Villagers not transferring job and xp.
Fixed mobs converting into servants suddenly gaining armor if player wears Ring of the Forge.
Fixed Necro Bolts not turning Piglin Brutes into Zombified Piglin Brute Servants.
Fixed Quick Growing Seeds not allowing two active Vines to be placed next to each other
Fixed Sorcerer Crash when they try to summon Cyclones.
Arthopod Servants now heal using their owner's soul energy if owner wears Wild Robes.
Goety Golems should no longer have collision during their death animation.
Reduced Storm Caster's Movement Speed
Squall Golems gain purple eyes when spawned as hostile.
Entities caught in Spider Webs or Entangle Vines should no longer knocked back by attacks.
Cyclones now properly work on players.
Changed particles emitted by Ice Bouquets and Hellfires.
Brood Mother. A gigantic Spider variant that comes in both hostile and servant variants. Hostile Brood Mothers are mini-bosses that can be found in new Spider Den structures. Brood Mother Servants can be ridden.
Spider Dens, a new underground structure that contains a Spider Mother Den block which, when broken, summons a hostile Brood Mother mini-boss.
Reapers. Flying mobs that come in both hostile and servant variants and attacks with an AoE using their scythes. Hostile Reapers spawn in darkness much like Wraiths and drops Ectoplasms and some Haunted Logs. Reaper Servants can be summoned using new Reaping Focus.
Twilight Goats. Summoned by casting Hunting Focus in Mountain biomes or with Wind Staff.
Hostile Redstone Golem & Monstrosity spawn eggs.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Server Crash
Fixed Zombified Piglin Servants not spawning with equipment.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Tropical Slime Servant related bugs (Super speed when commanded)
Fixed Frog and Slime Servant related bugs
Fixed animating a Block of Slime within a 3x3x3 box of water not making a Tropical Slime Servant.
Fixed HP issues with upgraded Drowned Necromancers
Crouch casting Hunting Spell underwater will teleport Snappers instead of Black/Skeleton Wolves.
Normal Slime Servants now heal with their summoner's Soul Energy when wearing Wild Robes.
Snappers can be summoned through a ritual.
Carrion Maggots are now hostile when spawned through Spawn Eggs.
Made Orbs on Necromancer/Cairn Necromancers glow.
Updated translations.
Hostile Necromancers. Spawns very rarely on Dry biomes (ie, Deserts and Badlands) and forests. Spawn Weight is configurable and biome spawns are datapackable.
Carrion Fly. Carrion Maggots will now cocoon themselves before turning into a Carrion Fly if their target 4 blocks or above them.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Slime Servant related bugs (Hitbox and odd behaviors)
Fixed Drowned Necromancer not visually increasing in size when powered with a DN's Soul Jar.
Fixed Drowned Necromancer max health bug when powered with a DN's Soul Jar.
Fixed Prisma Beam Focus not being able to be enchanted with Potency.
Prisma Beam Spell now deals additional damage when cast using Abyss Staff properly.
Trident Storm Focus can now be enchanted with Potency.
Drowned Necromancer's Steam Missiles and Trident Storm deal more damage when powered with a DN's Soul Jar.
Slimy Focus always summon Medium sized Slimes.
Updated translations for Chinese and Russian languages.
Added Spawn Eggs for Tropical Slime Servants and Snappers.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Drowned Servant not summoned with armor when wearing Ring of Forge.
Fixed Phantom Servants not being properly issued commands or movement modes.
Upgraded Phantom Servants translucent texture can be disabled through goety-mobs.toml. Suggested by @tonarinoaitu
Made adjustments with API.
Improved Scatter Mine explosion visual effect.
Improved Leeching Spell visual effect.
Bosses and Mini-bosses can no longer gain Stunned effect.
Tweaked servants team codes.
Reduce Arca's break time a bit.
Made it so that the middle thorn from Blossoming Balls emits sounds instead of all of them.
Casting Hunting Spell underwater will spawn new Snapper servants.
Abyss spell types.
Deep Ritual
Drowned Necromancer Servants.
Tropical Slime Servants.
Slimy Focus. A new Wild Spell that allows players to summon loyal Slime Servants. Suggested by @SpeedyEwok
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Necro Brazier taking and erasing stacks of added items.
Wind Blast spell now effects projectiles.
Casting Hunting Spell with Necro/Nameless Staff now summons Skeleton Wolves instead of Black Wolves.
Teleportation Ritual. Allows players to teleport using a filled Waystone, an Ender Pearl and an Eye of Ender on a Magic Ritual. Uses up Waystone when teleporting.
Weakening Spell. Gives nearby non-allied entities Sapped II and Weakness for 5 seconds. Can be enchanted with Potency, Radius and Duration. Based on Gong of Weakness from Minecraft Dungeons.
Phantasm Spell. Necromancy spell that summons Phantom Servants.
Skeleton Wolves. Servant undead variants of regular wolves. Can buff other skeletal servants with howls periodically. Based on Minecraft Earth's Skeleton Wolves.
Phantom Servants. Servant version of Phantoms. Upgraded Phantom Servants (summoned while wearing Necro/Nameless Cape) will be translucent and can move through walls.
Commanding Horn. Allows players to set servants within 16 blocks from them to enter Following or Standing By mode unless they are part of the Grimoire of Grounding or are Patrolling or Commanded to an area. Right-clicking on a block will cause said servants to move towards it. Based on suggestion by @SirMeme99.
Forgotten Special Mentions; Grimoire of Goodwill and Redstone Golem not always performing their scatter mine attack based on suggestion by @pantman687, 3D Model of certain items, Death Arrows shot by players wearing Unholy set and EB Wildfire compat were based on suggestions by @SpeedyEwok, Connected Haunted Glasses requested by @justslyr, Flight Spell pose change requested by @more-hit-points, Serene Seasons compat requested by @NUTTAR, Farmer's Delight Dog Food compat requested by @BumbleBuzz, Twilight Forest's Zombie Scepter used in recipes requested by @Pythorplays, Patrolling mode based on suggestion by @GrapeGamer, Old Textures being put as a resourcepack requested by @StarOcean, Certain Wight mechanics were based on suggestions by @JoTurtleGuy, JEI separated Ritual tabs requested by @ChiefLogan and many Frost Robe and Book related tweaks suggested by @GlacialFlower. Thank you all for your suggestions from Discord!
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Squall Golems not attempting to return towards their bound location when deactivating on Patrolling Mode.
Fixed Magic Bolts hitting its shooter if they run towards it.
Fixed Drowned Servants not having the chance to spawn with a, undroppable, trident.
More support with Jade mod as it now shows what movement mode or stance a Servant is on.
Minor Serene Seasons mod support where summoning Zombies or Skeletons in a snowing area during winter can summon Frozen Zombies or Strays.
Improved JEI support by making each Ritual Types have separate categories. Changed some Ritual Type icons to be more appropriate with Ritual requirements.
Training Blocks (Spider Nests, Shade Gravestones and Blazing Cages) now have two additional modes, Patrol and Follow. Patrol is the default mode where Servants would spawned patrolling the block, Follow mode makes Servants follow the owner of the block when spawned. The modes can be changed by right-clicking the block with a Wand/Staff while crouching.
Training Blocks now emit redstone power when training.
Internally removed ritualType: "lich" and replaced it with necroturgy with forbidden research required.
Made Recall Focus no longer requiring Chorus Flowers in its recipe.
- A new mob that's not fully implemented yet.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Pure Unholy Blood not being able to be used as an ingredient for unholy fabrics
Fixed Hellbolts hitting the shooter if shooter runs up to it.
Fixed Steep Wood recipe bug
Fixed Pine and Sky Wood blocks not being burnable
Fixed Zombie Villager Servants being curable despite having an owner.
Fixed Damaged Anvils made by Hammers not falling.
Modded Fireballs and Lavaballs now disappear after 10 seconds.
Shade Gravestones can now train Zombie Villager Servants when within a radius of a village, rather than only if placed at the center of one. Villages would require 3 or more workstations for the Gravestone to count a village.
Fixed Jade compat bug where occasionally Owner names still says "???" when Servant is owned by another entity.
Updated Black Book entries.
Added new recipe for Blossoming Focus if Bosses of Mass Destruction is installed.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Servants attacking non-hostile Piglins
Fixed vanilla Piglin AI being messed up by the mod
Fixed Preachers not appearing in Raids
Fixed Hostile Redstone Monstrosities attacking their own Redstone Cubes.
Removed spirit data compat with Malum due to Malum already having their compat with Goety.
Changed Apostle Music disc to play MCD Ghast Theme proper.
Animators will now transform Haunted Armor Stands into Haunted Armor if there's one in the designated area.
Added compat recipe when Eb's Wildfire mod is installed, Netherite Scrap is replaced with Eb's Wildfire Gem for making Wildfire Servants
Wearing both Unholy Hat and Robe now makes players shoot Death arrows when using bows/crossbows
Arm and legs no longer move back and forth when using Flight Spell.
Philosopher's Mace is getting a 3D model! Design is based on this model.
Chilling Spell. New Frost Spell that causes caster, or allied target while caster looks at them while crouching, to obtain Chill Hide effect, which increases Armor points by 3 per level and freezes targets that melee attacks the affected.
Zombie Villager Servants. Acts like vanilla Zombie Villagers. Cannot be cured if summoned by entity or player. Summoned when casting Rotting Spell or using Shade Gravestone in a Village.
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Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed Nether Spread crash from Obsidian Monoliths
- Changed Textures for all Windswept Blocks and removed Thatched Windswept Planks.
- Resonance Crystals can now wirelessly power other Resonance Crystals through using Waystones. Crystals can power multiple other crystals that are 64 or less blocks away from it. Waystones are not used up when binding crystals.
- Nameless Staff's orb is now animated.
- Actually fixed Sorcerer Leveling bug when spawned through assaults.
- Increased Storm Staff Powered Electro Orb's discharge radius.
- Fixed Lightning Spell not working when targeting at a block using Storm Staff.
- Improved which damage types has their looting affected by Ring of Want.
- Changed Blackstone Brick Slabs to Deepslate Brick Slabs for Crypt Tomb.
- Pine Wood Type. Uses original Windswept Blocks. Trees can be found on same areas as Windswept Trees. Logs and Woods can be turned into Steep Wood using Cursed/Grim Infusers.
- Haunted Jug. Provides Infinite Water and will occasionally fill up nearby containers, such as cauldrons, modded fluid tanks, and Petal Apothecaries from Botania, within 2 blocks from itself.
- New command that allows cooldowns on held spell or all spells for player(s) to be removed.
- Blizzard Spell. Functions similar to Arrow Rain, except shoots Ice Spikes, or Spears if cast using Frost Staff, instead.
- New Advancements
- Minor Malum compatability courtesy of @Konkeeztador.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Bolting Spell not working on other dimensions.
Fixed Potency not working on Blossoming Spell.
Fixed Magma Bomb having zero velocity.
Fixed Sorcerers not being affected by Vanilla and Hook Bells.
Fixed Sorcerers wonky leveling when spawned as part of an Illager Assault
Sensing Spell now gives 5 seconds of Tremor Sense instead of 1.
Mavericks no longer attempt to heal Raiders in a Raid.
Improved Cryptic Eye visuals when deployed.
Improved XP drain visual effect when enchanting through Ritual.
Slightly increase chance of generating Book Rooms in Crypts.
Crypt Pithos Loot Table now has a small chance of containing Haunting Scroll.
Improved Pithos Loot Table rolls.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Iron Hide Crash.
Fixed warnings surrounding Haunted Mirrors blockstates.
Fixed Command Focus not working properly.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Haunted Mirrors deleting blocks above when placed down.
Summoning Sorcerers with custom Level nbt will now have them summoned at full health.
Fixed Steep and Haunted Lamps producing another source water block on their top when placed in water.
Fixed Witch's Pole not being waterloggable.
Bolting Spell now renders caster invulnerable while spinning.
Bolting Spell effect radius is increased slightly when cast using Storm Staff.
Haunted Mirrors can now be Waterlogged.
Killing Spell now works properly if caster is in Creative mode.
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Fixes & Changes:
Helmets worn by Liches that are fire immune no longer wear down.
Rotation Focus no longer works with double vertical blocks (ie, Doors)
Using Apple on a completed Brew only turns one Apple to brewed Apple.
Redstone Cubes no longer attempt to detect blocks furthest away from it if surrounded by selected block.
Changed recipe for Unholy Fabric to use Pure Unholy Blood, which are dropped by Apostles fought in the Nether.
Chop Tree Brew effect now functions similar to Tree cutting mods where it affects entire trees instead of a column.
Lots of internal Servant and Spell coding revamps.
Fire/Frost Breath, Swarming and Shocking spells now have a limited cast time, where after a certain amount of time, the spell will stop casting and be put into cooldown with the casting time indicated by a yellow-to-purple bar on the Soul Energy Overlay.
Reduced default range for Fire/Frost Breath and Shocking from 16 to 8
Fire and Frost Breaths, as well as Swarming attacks can now be blocked by Shield.
Warlocks, Mavericks and Heretics' attributes are now configurable.
Ring of Wanting now affects drops made by certain spells or servants' explosions.
Improved Skull Lord and Bone Lord changing attacking mobs targets from each other.
Improved performance issues with robes and certain curios by having them apply tick effects when worn or on inventory.
Grimoires of Grudges and Goodwill should no longer automatically erase players if they logged out, but will if they are no longer part of the server's player list.
Haunted Mirrors. Allows teleportation between two Mirrors provided they are positioned correctly between each other. For the X and Z, or horizontal axis, two mirrors must be placed on the same Y axis, each facing way from each other, within 32 blocks, making it seem like a tunnel or hole between walls. For a the Y, or vertical, axis, the Mirrors must be facing the same way, and share the same XZ coordinates, either 16 blocks below or above each other. Mirrors will attempt to find another mirror above itself before searching below.
Sorcerers. A new Illager mob that appears on Illager Assaults or in Raids if a participant player has high enough Soul Energy. They use all kinds of spells available on Goety mod, with the number and types of spells they can perform are indicated by the gilded material around their robes which denotes their level. The color and material of their level follows the same pattern as Villager trading levels (Stone - Iron - Gold - Emerald - Diamond). The higher their level, the higher their max health (can be disabled through config).
Tamed Trampler. Requires Ravaging Scroll. Converts a Pillager into a tamed Trampler that can Charge when pressing jump, before entering cooldown, when riding it.
Grimoire of Grounding. Prevents certain Servants or Servant Types from being teleported in certain ways, such as crouch-casting their associated summoning spell or through Call/Troop Spells. Works the same as the other grimoires. Right-clicking on a Training Block (Spider Nests/Shade Gravestone) with Grimoire of Grounding will cause the block to enter Grounding mode, where trained Servants will automatically register into the Grimoire.
Bolting Spell. A Storm spell that functions similar to Riptide Trident, except works out of water and cause shocking damage.
Killing Spell. Deals an amount of damage equal to the target's current health, but also deals 125%% of it upon the caster. If the caster has enough health to survive, the target will take the full damage, otherwise it will deal as much damage upon both the target and the caster as possible without killing the latter. Based on Skyrim Apocalypse mod's Finger of Death spell.
Sensing Spell. Gives the caster Tremor Sense that causes nearby mobs to glow for the caster only, provided said caster and mobs are touching the ground.
Arrow Rain Spell. A continuous casting spell that causes ghostly arrows to fall on an area or target.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Haunted and Steep Lamps erasing any blocks when placed below one.
Fixed "Not a string" log spam
Fixed Ignite burning seconds not using Burning enchantment.
Several Storm Spells now perform a chain lightning effect when cast using Storm Staff.
More retextures by @zozozrob
Crones no longer throw Webbed, Sweet Berry and Thorn Trap Brews if mobGriefing is set to false.
Improved Essence of Shadow Looting drops by Wights
Servants no longer naturally attack Arthopods if owner wears Warlock Robes.
Improved Redstone Monstrosity's spit and death animations
Burrowing Laser looks more reddish if focus is enchanted with Burning.
Unholy Fabric, Robe and Hat. Unholy Robe and Hat are made using Unholy Fabrics, which are currently obtained through a ritual requiring Unholy Blood, Dark Fabrics and Forbidden Pieces. Both Robe and Hat provides complete Fire Immunity, and wearing both changes projectiles and servants to their Apostle counterpart (ie, Lavabomb spell shoots Hell Blasts, Blazing spell summons Infernos). Still subject to change.
Leeching Focus. Siphons health from a non-allied target.
Fire Blast Focus. Fiery counterpart from Discharge, Frost Nova and Shockwave spells.
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Fixes & Changes:
Added Burrowing Focus, since I forgot to add it on the previous version.
Fixed Waystone Block not showing.
Fixed Patchouli error for Japanese Translation
This is may be the last update for 1.19 version for a while due to having trouble and stress with maintaining parity for two versions. Future updates may return once I'm confident/calmed but until then.
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