Fixes: -Fixed the new pulsating glowing layer of the howitzer breaking shaders. -Fixed the new achievement handler for the item descriptions breaking on the server side.
Changes: Reduced the search range of the infected construct from 32 to 16. The bile sacks of the howitzer now pulsate instead of perpentually glowing. Now the chance for a specter to spawn out of a linked wondering trader is 100%. Tendrils will now longer reach for BCUs. The inner storage of the BCU has been increased and the GUI has been changed. Now the descriptions of spore items work via a new advancement system instead of the previous tag one. Improved the textures for the laboratory blocks. The proto will also spread infection every 5 mins or so in a radious 2 times bigger than the one of a max mound. The CDU will now clean every 5 seconds instead of 3 and with a higher degree. Fixes: Fixed multiple crafting bugs. Additional small performance inprovements Having the Phayres get bugged out by a random stroll goal.
News: -Added Italian translation -Several new advancements with many more to come.
Fixes: Fixed a bug that would result in the Injection recipe type to not sinc with the server.
Changes: You can now find syringes or compound plates in equipment chests within structures. Fixes: Some typos in the translations Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash from xp drops.
News: Items: Syringe Syringes with blood samples for all the mutation types for armor and weapons.
Removed John Fungal...?
Changes: Spitters cannot see entities that are in water. Removed the Stunt effect. The proto will be more careful for where it spawns wombs Organoids will need atleast 3 blocks with hardness less than 4 under them to spawn Increased the range of the scanner. Changed the model of the womb. The base biomass value an infected gives to a womb is now 10 -> 5. Now the biomass an infected gives to the womb its doubled if the infected is evolved and quadruppled if the infected is a hyper.
The droplist for the infected villager , pillager, evoker , vindicator , husk and all of its evolutions.
Fixes: Fixed the functionality of the Infected Claw not being updated(1.19.2 bug)
News: Mobs: Nuckelave(Evolved) Hexenmeister(Hyper) Hexenmeister Claw(Utility)
Items: Hardening agent Refining agent Integrating agent Mutation Syringe
Fried Wing Membrane Surviver's Feast
Blocks: Crusted Bile Surgery Table
Variants: Hazardous Brauerei Villager and Drowned variants for the Scamper.
Mechanics: Infected can heal in bile. The crafting system has been reworked , now infected weapons and armor require a surgery table to be crafted. Weapons now can be enhanced within the surgery table using agents , this can also lead to weapons having mutations. Current weapon mutations "Vampiric , Toxic , Rotten ,Bezerk and Calcified",check the wiki for more info on their capabilities. Current armor mutations "Reinforced , Skeletal , Drowned and Charred",check the wiki for more info on their capabilities.
Removed John Fungal...?
Changes: The Tumoroid Nuke of the Hindenburg will also leave fire around if the Hindenburg is overclocked. The Tumoroid Nuke has a chance to be a "bunker buster" will less blast but deeper impact on the Y level. The Hindenburg's air movement have been slightly tweaked. The damage cap that is available for evolved and hyper on hard mode will now be calculated as 1/3 of the hp of the mob. Now the proto will check the hardness of the block its target is on if its above 3 it won't summon organoids. Reduced the average durability of spore weapons. Lowered the amount of body parts one can find in an organ chest. You can now find gas masks or scanners in armor chests.
Fixes: The Phayres being a lag machine. The Infected drowned pathfinding being buggy. The proto world modifier being buggy at times on servers. Reconstructed minds being broken by flowing water.
News: Config: New config options for the tendrils. New config options for the CDU. New config options for explosions. Mobs: Infested Construct(anomaly) Nepalm Griefer(variant) Ogre(hyper) Bloater(evolved) Scavenger(evolved)
Items: Sicken Tumor Calcified Tumor Bile Tumor Frozen Tumor Scanner
Costumes: Christmas Hat for the Proto Hivemind.
Mechanics: New spore raid mechanic when setting a brain remnant on fire. Right clicking on a vigil will give their summoner the glowing effect New despawn mechanic for organoids to prevent overcrowding Now a sound effect will play when a evolved becomes a hyper no all nearby players. Added a global sound event for when a calamity is being created. Added a global sound event for when a calamity is being redirected.
Removed John Fungal...?
Changes: When planks or stairs are converted into their decayed counterparts they have a chance to fall to the ground. The flesh bomb of the howitzer will now adjust their fall towards their target. The chance for a wendigo to take off an armor piece has been changed from 10 to 2% per slot of armor The model of the Brute has been updated The block throwing abilities of the brute have been changed The cdu can now break outpost watchers and organite blocks News: Added the armor increasing mechanic of the inquisitor to the knight. More variants for the idle sound of the infected.
Removed John Fungal...?
Changes: Improved the performance of the block infection mechanic. Leave blocks next to the logs that are being changed may turn into decayed branches. Bush type blocks will turn into decayed bushes. Now the cdu shows the fuel within without one needing to use an ice canister on it. Now the growth mycelium both big and small have animated textures when underwater.
News: Config option to have any mob with costume active. Block: Decayed Branch Decayed Bush
Fixes: Mycelium effect dealing damage to infected Infected drowned falling at the speed of light The delusionere not despawning properly The toxic griefer not poisoning its targets (1.19.2 only bug)
Changes: Updated the texture of the vigil
News: -Bile variant for the griefer -Stalker variant for the vigil
Changes: The proto will no longer be able to see non-sapient target's through walls The proto will not be able to see a sapient target through walls if they are under the symbiosis effect. The chance for a proto to summon reinforcements on hit has been lowered to 20% and an 8 seconds timer has been put in place. The proto will now summon organoids in waves. Spore enchants should no longer be able to be found on books or generated in loot chests. Made the corrosive potency and gastric spewage work on the projectiles of the infected crossbow , infected bow and infected spear. New spawnegg texture for the gastgaber and scamper. Infected no longer evolve if they have weakness. Added the husk to the vigil raid Added the husk evolutions to the vigil raid Added hyper to the vigil raid Increased the spawn distance of hospitals News: Mobs: Specter(UNKNOWN) Jagdhund(EVOLVED)
Items: Combat Pickaxe Config: Config option for the armor taking off capabilities of the wendigo
Mechanics: Non flying calamities can increase their own armor by killing and consuming skeletons. Added a new sound for when a proto is formed
Fixes: Stinger being created multiple times with the same id. Vervathorn thorn damage being reflected from other thorn damage.