Everything can be Crafted is a mod for minecraft java edition that adds 90 crafting of objects that do not have it. In this way they can be achieved in another "easier" way.
All items or blocks of vanilla minecraft now have a proper recipe.
- Items with recipes: (Zombie head, Skeleton Skull, Dragon breath, Ice, Wither Skeleton Skull, Wheat, Clay, Trident, Totem of undying, Sweet Berries, Stone, All saplings, Sponge, Soul Sand, Slime, Shulker Shell, Sand, Saddle, Redstone, Redsand, Rabbit hide, Rabbit foot, Quartz, Melon seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Player head, Phantom membrane, Obsidian, Nether wart, Netherrack, Lily pad, Nautilus Shell, Name tag, Magma cream, Leather, Sugar cane, String, All horse armors, Heart of ocean, Spider eye, Gunpowder, Gravel, Glowstone, Ghast tears, Bone, Rotten flesh, Exp bottle, End stone, End portal, Ender pearl, Enchanted golden apple, Elytras, Dirt, Kelp, Creeper Head, Cobbestone, Chorus fruit, All chainmail armor, Vines, Blaze rods, Black stone, Bell, Beetroot seeds, Bedrock, Basalt, Bamboo, Apple, Turtle egg, Scute, Feather, Seeds, Flint, Snowball, Clay ball, Honeycomb, chain and Dragon head)
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed ARR
Published 9 months ago
Updated 9 months ago