End Phantasm 1.21.1 [NeoForge] 1.0.2:
- Fixed incompatibility with Sinytra Connector
- Fixed instant give of mod's achivements
- Fixed notion to display properly if fireworks are limited in config and play hasn't achivement 'end/kill_dragon'
End Phantasm 1.21.1 [NeoForge] 1.0.1:
- Direct port of End's Phantasm v1.0.1 for Minecraft NeoForge 1.21.1
End Phantasm 1.20.1 [Forge] 1.0.1:
- Fixed spawn of player under obsidian platform
- Fixed spawn of end stone platform each time player enters the End
- Fixed render type of crystalily block
- Fixed blockstate of crystal shard blocks when placed by player
- Fixed End's Phantasm side of incompatibility with Endergetic Expansion(incompatibility will be solved with next update of Endergetic Expansion)
End Phantasm 1.20.1 [Forge] 1.0:
Direct port of all features from Phantasm 1.0 for Fabric
Fixed flying oblivion and crystal shards
Fixed crash with Unusual End and Endless Biomes
Fixed possible crash with BiomeReplacer mod
Added the Acidburnt Abysses biome:
Ground made of Acidic Nihilium and patches of Acidic Mass
- Acidic Mass applies the Corrosion effect and slows down when walked on Dralgaes grow here
- Climbable
- Some have a Pome at the top of the stem
- Affected by gravity, deals damage and knocks back if broken without a care
- Quick food
- Bigger ones are made of an obsidian stem and acidic mass as the leaves
- Can be used to packed to craft obsidian Cirite Boulders
- Slippery
- Decorative block
- Holds iron ore Dragon Mint
- Rare plant, grows fruits over time
- Can be interacted with empty bottles to fill them with dragon breath when grown
Underisland biome: Choral Riff
- New redstone block, creates a sound wave that pushes entities
- Can be silenced by placing wool behind them Choral Arrows
- When shot from a bow or dispenser: lower damage, velocity and accuracy, but applies Charm
- When shot from a crossbow: Has an effect similar to subwoofers, but also deals damage and pushes you backwards (unless shifting) Abruption music disc, by Dylanvhs
- Found in obsidian towers for now
New potion effects:
- Can be brewed from Pome slices
- Increases damage taken (opposite of Resistance) Charm
- Stuns affected entities
- Players are locked in place, including their camera rotation
- Trails of Red on Every Island: Discover the Acidburnt Abysses
- Echoing Void: Discover the Choral Riff
- You Hit a Dum Note!: Kill something with a Choral Arrow
Added automatic datapack compatibility
Any datapack affecting the end generation, such as Nullscape, is now automatically compatible without any changes needed
- Mod versions are fully automatic
- Datapack versions require a config option to be set in
to guarantee best configuration So far Nullscape and Endercon have fine tuned compatibility modes, Stellarity has been tested and works perfectly without any fine tuning needed
Fireworks now display the needed advancement when clicked
Dragon's fireballs can be configured to explode on landing
Added a config so that Endermen never get angry by being looked at during the dragon fight (off by default)
Crysties can now be caught in Void Framed Glass to turn into End Crystals
Slightly nerfed some foods
Raw purpur generation height is configurable
French and Ukrainian translation
Obsidian towers
- Now have a proper loot table
- Shattered Pendants can be found here, allowing to teleport to your last safe place
- Auto activates when falling into the void
- Configurable durability
- Shattered Pendants can be found here, allowing to teleport to your last safe place
- They now have a portal back to the Overworld at their bottom
- Vexes in this structure have a new texture
- Fixed Oblivion not always working as a universal repair material
- Fixed a crash with Carpet
- Fixed credits showing when exiting the End before the dragon was killed
- The mod now clears its development cache for better performance
End Phantasm 1.21.1 [NeoForge] 0.4.2:
- Direct port of End's Phantasm from Minecraft Forge 1.20.1 for Minecraft NeoForge 1.21.1
Caption: may contains bugs and less features than in version for Forge
End Phantasm 1.20.1 [Forge] 0.4.1 - bugs fix patch: Removed conditions, that prevents spawn of crystie Fixed spawn of behemoth under surface Fixed breaknesses of chorus plant Fixed impossibility to get mod's achivements Fixed overoften spawn of obsidian towers Fixed transperency of some mod's blocks Fixed solid state of hanging pream leaves Fixed spawn of void and regular crystals in the sky of End Added notification if mod's config value set to limit firework before dragon is slayed
Added possibility to change maximum stack size of chorus salad Added possibility to prevent teleportation by chorus salad
improved oblivion repair logic
fixed behemoths spawning in air behemoth aggro range is now configurable behemoth bounding box now changes depending on sleeping state
reduced crystal spike log spam
increased obisidian tower rarity a bit vexes in obsidian towers
fixed elytra boost locks not working properly
made chorus fruit stack size configurable made chorus fruit salad tp toggleable
Direct port of all features from Phantasm 0.4 for Fabric
Also, fixed all incorrectnesses compared to Fabric version
Missed features in 0.3 for Forge were successfully fully ported like in Fabric version
Added the Crystie and Behemoth mobs
Fixed a generation incompatibility with Cinderscapes
Eyes of Ender now locate End Cities when used in the End
Ported almost each feature from End Phantasm 0.3 to Fabric Differences from the Fabric version:
- developed natural spawn and ai of crystie
- doesn't contain teleport to outer end | everything stays like in vanilla