- (config.generic)增加空手交互的功能
- (config.generic)EasyPlace will allow interaction while empty-handed
- 修复低版本进不去游戏的问题
- 修复铁链水平朝向
- Fixes low version reporting errors
- Repairing the horizontal orientation of the chain
Completely fix the bug of misplacing cubes with face attribute.\
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
- 修复拉杆水平朝向不正确的bug
- 在投影通用配置项增加新功能(使轻松放置取出选择物品时能够忽视该物品的NBT)
- 优化
- Fix the horizontal facing Lever
- Add new functionality to the projection general configuration (enable easyPlace to ignore the NBT of an item when taking out the selected item).
- optimize
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
Fixed null pointer exception/修复空指针异常
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
修复合成器放置错误的bug/crafter fix
在投影配置界面新增loosenMode,在背包内对应物品不足的情况下,使用变种进行替换(使轻松放置对活板门/石墙/珊瑚扇/栅栏门的材质更加宽容) /Add a new loosenMode to the projection configuration screen to use a variant to replace the corresponding item in the backpack if it is insufficient.(Makes easyPlace more compatible with different variant for live panel trapdoor/stone_wall/coral_fan/fence gates)
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
修复活板门和半砖无法正确放置的bug/slab fix
有版本不兼容的问题/There are version incompatibility issues
1.向下兼容到java17 2.更改放置铁轨时错误的参数
- Backward compatible to java17
- Change incorrect parameters when placing rails
单个铁轨的朝向修复/rail_shape fix
修复在放置一个有朝向的方块之后,放置无朝向属性但是会受到朝向影响的方块(如火把)时会导致放置错误的问题 Fixed a bug that caused placement errors when placing non-oriented blocks (e.g. torches) that are affected by orientation after placing an oriented block (隐性bug终于修复了)
修复放置活塞时,活塞臂伸出方向与服务端不统一的bug Repair the bug that when placing the piston, the direction of the piston arm extending is not unified with the server side.
state fix (repeater,comparator,fence_gate,trapdoor) 能够放置中继器比较器和栅栏门活版门的正确的状态
修复放置附着在墙上的方块的朝向问题(WallBlock Fix)
修复了合成器的朝向(crafter fix)
和原版投影一起使用。 0.1版本理论最低可以兼容到投影1.17版本,自己测试吧。