Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.2.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/7/4
This version requires additional permission from the Discord bot, "Manage Webhooks", compared to the previous versions. Please replace the APP_ID
of the second link below with your Application ID (get it by accessing the first link), and access it to authorize the new permission. If you do not trust the link below, you may create one by referring to the MCDC docs.
Regarding changes in the config file, this version dynamically creates MCDC Webhook and no longer requires manual creation when configuring MCDC, simplifying the steps of configuring MCDC and changing channels. Users not using Webhook may turn it off by setting the useWebhook
option in the config file to false
In addition, users may customize the range of allowed in-game mentions. Clearing the allowed_mentions
list disallows all in-game mentions.
与旧版本相比,此版本需要 Discord 机器人「管理 Webhooks」的额外权限。请将下面第二个链接中的 APP_ID
替换为你的应用 ID(可通过访问第一个链接获取),并访问该链接以授权新权限。如果你不信任下面的链接,你也可以参考 MCDC 文档自行创建。
关于配置文件的变化,此版本动态创建 MCDC Webhook,配置 MCDC 时不再需要手动创建,简化了配置 MCDC 和更改频道的步骤。不使用 Webhook 的用户可将配置文件中的 useWebhook
选项设为 false
以禁用 Webhook。
此外,用户可以自定义允许游戏内提及的范围。清空 allowed_mentions
New Features 新特性
Customizable scope of allowed mentions in-game (#131) 可自定义允许游戏内提及的范围
Add %nextUpdateTime% placeholder for channel topics (#134) 为频道主题添加 %nextUpdateTime% 占位符
Multilingual support for task/challenge/goal messages (#133) 进度 / 挑战 / 目标消息提供多语言支持
Support displaying descriptions for task/challenge/goal messages (#133) 支持显示进度 / 挑战 / 目标的描述
Support adding players to the server whitelist in Discord (#130) 支持在 Discord 将玩家添加至服务器白名单
Dynamic-created MCDC Webhook (#152) 动态创建 MCDC Webhook
Polish translation (#154) 波兰语翻译
Compatible with the new Discord username system (#158) 兼容新的 Discord 用户名系统
Cantonese translation (#159) 粤语翻译
Norwegian Bokmål translation (#161) 书面挪威语翻译
Changes 更改
Improve console log formatting (#140) 改良控制台日志格式
Fix exception when Discord user nickname contains double quotes (#145) 修复 Discord 用户昵称包含双引号时报错
MSPT monitoring delays msptCheckInterval milliseconds start (#134) MSPT 监测延迟 msptCheckInterval 毫秒启动
Fix exception caused by console log message being too long (#149) 修复控制台日志消息过长导致报错
Fix incorrect text colour when customizing in-game messages (#156) 修复自定义游戏内消息时文本颜色错误
Newlines in Discord messages appear as new messages in-game (#155) Discord 消息中的新行在游戏内显示为新消息
Optimize the effect of the discordNewlineLimit option 优化 discordNewlineLimit 选项的效果
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
- @BlissfulAlloy79
- @Bocz3k
- @Kire2oo2
- @LofiTurtle
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 1.20-2.1.4 for Minecraft 1.20.x - 2023/6/8
Please use this release if you are using Minecraft 1.20.x.
Otherwise, use the general 2.1.4 release for older Minecraft versions, including 1.19.2 and 1.19.3.
如果您使用的是 Minecraft 1.20.x,请使用此版本。
否则,请使用适用于旧版 Minecraft 的通用 2.1.4 版本,包括 1.19.2 和 1.19.3。
New Features 新特性
- Compatible with version 1.20.x 兼容 1.20.x 版本
Changes 更改
Removed 移除
- No longer compatible with versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3 不再兼容 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.1.4 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/5/30
This version still supports versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3, which have been integrated into the same file.
此版本仍然支持 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本,已集成到同一个文件中。
New Features 新特性
Send chat messages sent by /say command to Discord (#125) 发送 /say 指令所发送的聊天消息至 Discord
Announce high MSPT at the console log channel when the console log feature is enabled (#125) 启用控制台日志功能时将 MSPT 警告发送到控制台日志频道
Add an option to flexibly choose whether to wait for the rate limit to reset (#129) 添加选项供灵活选择是否等待速率限制重置
Korean translation (#136) 韩语翻译
French translation (#137) 法语翻译
Changes 更改
Fix chat message validation failure when using excluded commands (#127) 修复使用已排除的指令时报错聊天记录验证失败
Optimize the logic of handling rate limit when stopping the server (#129) 优化停止服务器时处理速率限制的逻辑
Fix description of /log <file> command out of date (#137) 修复 /log <file> 命令的描述过时
Fix exception when a Discord user who does not have any role executes a command (#137) 修复没有任何用户组的 Discord 用户在执行命令时报错
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
- @Clem-Fern
- @MeowOnLong
- @Vocatis
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.1.3 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/3/16
This version still supports versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3, which have been integrated into the same file.
此版本仍然支持 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本,已集成到同一个文件中。
New Features 新特性
Support using %playerName% placeholder for custom death messages (#115) 自定义死亡消息支持 %playerName% 占位符
Compatible with version 1.19.4 兼容 1.19.4 版本
Changes 更改
Fix ru_ru lang causing player disconnections on death (#111) 修复 ru_ru 语言导致玩家死亡时报错
Fix modded death source causing player disconnections on death (#114) 修复来自模组的死亡源导致玩家死亡时报错
Fix exception when Discord message contains quotation marks (#119) 修复 Discord 消息包含引号时报错
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.1.2 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/1/7
The 'chat message validation failure' issue in 1.19.3 has been fixed in this new version.
You may remove the 'no-chat-reports' mod and set formatChatMessages
back to true
in MCDC config now.
1.19.3 中的 "聊天消息验证失败" 问题已在此新版本中修复。
你现在可以删除 "no-chat-reports" 模组并在 MCDC 配置中将 formatChatMessages
改回 true
New Features 新特性
Re-add support for version 1.19.2 (#101) 重新添加对 1.19.2 版本的支持
Add option to disable Discord and in-game chat broadcasts (#103) 添加禁用 Discord 和游戏内聊天广播的选项
Changes 更改
Fix chat message validation failure (#100) 修复聊天记录验证失败报错
Fix in-game highlighted mentions not being escaped (#104) 修复游戏内高亮提及没有进行转义
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.1.1 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/12/10
New Features 新特性
- Compatible with version 1.19.3 兼容 1.19.3 版本
Changes 更改
- Fix crash on start due to MixinLanguage class injection failure (#96) 修复由于 MixinLanguage 类注入失败导致的启动崩溃
Removed 移除
- No longer compatible with versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 不再兼容 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.1.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/11/7
New Features 新特性
Russian translation (#94) 俄语翻译
Bot activity status supports displaying server player count (#90) 机器人活动状态支持显示服务器玩家数
Minecraft command auto-completion for Discord /console command (#25) Discord /console 命令实现 Minecraft 命令自动补全
Changes 更改
- Fix GSON Invalid escape sequence exception when escaping Markdown (#92) 修复转义 Markdown 时 GSON 解析报错
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
- @ZetThunder
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志 | 🥳 MCDC v2 Stable Release
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/10/8
This is the first stable release of MCDC v2.
You are strongly recommended to update to this version if you are using any of the alpha or release candidate versions.
New Features 新特性
Add role support for admin checks (#88) 为管理员检查添加身份组支持
Add option to disable slash command broadcast (#89) 添加禁用斜线命令广播的选项
Check for updates can be disabled 可禁用检查更新
Changes 更改
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-rc.1 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/9/28
New Features 新特性
- Add newline limit for Discord messages (#86) 为 Discord 消息添加换行次数限制
Changes 更改
Completely rewrite the parsing of mentions (@) (#87) 完全重写提及 (@) 的解析
Add appropriate spaces to Chinese death messages 中文的死亡消息添加适当空格
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.10 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/9/4
Important notice:
This update adds full multi-language support and therefore simplifies the config file.
You should back up your config file and read the changelog before updating to this version!
Use option language
to set the language, and class CustomMessage
to customize the messages.
Leave the options in class CustomMessage
blank to use the default values, and fill in any of them to use the custom values.
At the time of releasing this update, only two languages are available:
- English (United States)zh_cn
- Chinese (Simplified)
You are welcome to contribute translations!
使用 language
选项设置语言,使用 CustomMessage
将 CustomMessage
- 英语(美国)zh_cn
- 中文(简体)
New Features 新特性
Full multi-language support (#83) 全面的多语言支持
Multi-language support for player death messages 玩家死亡消息实现多语言支持
Changes 更改
- Disable cache when checking for updates 检查更新时禁止使用缓存
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.9 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/8/10
Important notice:
This update brings support for executing MCDC commands in-game and fixes update notifications not showing changelog when using the English language.
This version is released first because the next version will bring breaking changes. Users who do not update in time may not see the changelog and important notices, resulting in data loss.
此更新带来了在游戏中执行 MCDC 命令的支持,并修复了使用英文时更新通知不显示更新日志的问题。
这个版本首先发布是因为下一个版本会带来破坏性改动 (breaking changes)。没有及时更新的用户可能会因看不到更新日志和重要通知而导致数据丢失。
New Features 新特性
- Execute MCDC commands in-game (#80) 在游戏中执行 MCDC 命令
Changes 更改
Format MSPT value with 2 decimal places (#79) MSPT 值取两位小数
Fix update notifications not showing changelog when using the English language 修复使用英文时更新通知不显示更新日志
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.8 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/8/6
Important notice:
This update brings support for versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2. However, due to Mojang's breaking changes to ServerPlayNetworkHandler
and version 1.19.0 being out of date, version 1.19.0 is no longer supported in this update.
Therefore, if you are using 1.19.0, please update to 1.19.2 as soon as possible. If you have some mods that do not support 1.19.2 yet, please temporarily update to 1.19.1 first, and update to 1.19.2 after they support 1.19.2.
此更新带来了对 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本的支持。但由于 Mojang 对 ServerPlayNetworkHandler
的破坏性改动 (breaking changes) 再加上 1.19.0 已过时,本次更新不再支持 1.19.0 版本。
因此,如果你使用的是 1.19.0,请尽快更新到 1.19.2。如果你有一些模组尚未支持 1.19.2,请先暂时更新到 1.19.1,等支持 1.19.2 后再更新到 1.19.2。
New Features 新特性
- Compatible with versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 兼容 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本
Changes 更改
- Fix incomplete logic of check for updates function 修复检查更新的不完整逻辑
Removed 移除
- No longer compatible with version 1.19 不再兼容 1.19 版本
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.7 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/7/26
New Features 新特性
Customizable update notification channel (#66) 可自定义更新通知频道
Add practical logs for multi-server feature 为多服务器功能添加实用日志
Sending specific server messages to Discord can be disabled (#70) 可禁用向 Discord 频道发送特定服务器消息
Send all console log messages to Discord console log channel (#72) 将所有控制台日志消息发送到 Discord 控制台日志频道
Add the ability for /log command to specify the log file to send 添加 /log 命令指定要发送的日志文件的功能
Changes 更改
Fix exclude option for broadcast command execution does not work (#64) 修复广播指令执行的排除选项不起作用
Fix NPE when someone sends a message before server fully starts (#68) 修复服务器完全启动前接收消息时的空指针异常
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
- @LofiTurtle
Detailed Information 详细信息
Changelog 更新日志
MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.6 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/7/9
New Features 新特性
Compatible with Quilt Mod Loader (#62) 兼容 Quilt 模组加载器
Integrate all versions (Minecraft 1.14-1.19+) into a single JAR file (#58) 将所有版本 (Minecraft 1.14-1.19+) 集成到一个 JAR 文件中
Notify in-game players when someone executes an MCDC command (#48) 当有人执行 MCDC 命令时通知游戏内玩家
Changes 更改
Fix SLF4J exception when running lower Minecraft versions 修复运行低 Minecraft 版本时的 SLF4J 异常
Optimize the way to implement custom advancement translation 优化实现翻译自定义进度的方式
Removed 移除
Contributors 贡献者
- @Xujiayao
Detailed Information 详细信息