Disclaimer: some minerals in this mod are hazardous in real life please do not try to obtain these in real life, they are in Crystalcraft Unlimited for entertainment purposes only!
This mod is the most fun combined with Just enough Items
A mod that adds 200+ new ores to find and collect (alloys, gems, metals and more) in the overworld the end and in the nether.
This is step by step turtorial how to get new ores weapons and armor.
Step 1 how to find the ores:
Mining in the overworld: uranium titanium, amazonite, alexandrite, amber, amethist, ametrine, aquamarine, tourmaline, citrine, chrysolite, flourite, garnet, indigolite, iolite, jade, Jasper, kunzite, malachite, opal, peridot, prism, Ruby, Sapphire, sardonyx, spinel, sugilite, tanzanite, titanium, topaz, onyx, chloronium, rose quartz, turquoise, iridium, fluorite, rutile, amolite, azurite, smoky quartz, peacock ore, peacock topaz, Tanzanite (rare version), vesuvianite, (rare) sapphire, (rare) citrine, (rare) amethyst, medusa quartz, raspberry diamond, (dark blue) sapphire, sunset jasper, (australian) sapphire, hackmantite, goshenite, pitambari neelam, cinnabar, black opal, labradorite, grandidierite, 12 types of zircon, matizium, cyan emerald, olivine, stibnite, hercynite, sonoranite (only in jungles), Chalcanthite, matrix opal (only in bamboo forests) Iris Agate, palintinium, yellow onyx (only in jungles)
Mining in the overworld and smelting the ore block in a furnace: tin, silver, nickel, zinc, lead, tungsten, aluminium, chrome, magnesium, silicium, americium, lithium, bismuth, thorium, indium, scandium, vanadium, manganese, yttrium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, ruthenium, rhodium, cadmium, holmium, technetium and platinum
Exploring the end: enderium, rhodonite, maradonyx, moonstone, obsidian nuggets, serpentine, larimar, white diamond, purple diamond, orichalcum, europium, cyber crystal, Xernium, neon Meteorite scraps, pottasium cobalt and pearl
Exploring the nether: fire opal, catseye, green catseye, pyrite, sulfur, ghoul quartz, blood quartz, Sunstone, blood stone Yurium , palladium, Humoranium (soul sand valley), Anti-Humoranium , bixbite, red diamond, orange diamond , pink diamond, pelenium, seaborgium, meteorite scraps and soul quartz
Crafting (with a crafting table (recipes unlocked after starting a new game)): dragon scales, obsidian nuggets, snowflake obsidian, Simonium, ikegamium, Ikegamonium, ikegamini, simoganium, blackstone, whitestone, meteorite ingot, neon Meteorite ingot and crimson gold
Brewing (with a brewing stand) : wither rose + steel = withered steel
wither rose + diamond = shadow diamond
Pyrite item + quartz = Quartz Infused Pyrite!
Fusing (you can fuse ores together with a smithing table):
citrine + amethyst = ametrine
uranium + adamantite = plutonium
titanium + mythril = unoptanium
sapphire + ruby = azurite
spinel + amethyst = flourite
kunzite + amazonite = alexandrite
peridot + jade = malachite
turquoise + flourite = fluorite
sapphire + kunzite = peacock ore
tanzanite + peridot = rare tanzanite
ruby + emerald = sunset jasper
catseye + uranium = adamantite
soul quartz + titanium = mythril
coal + iron = steel
charcoal + iron = steel
amethyst + emerald = vesuvianite
citrine + sapphire = rare sapphire
redstone + green catseye = red catseye
end crystal + amethyst shard = crystal
aquamarine + green catseye = blue catseye
citrine + green catseye = yellow catseye
amethyst + green catseye = purple catseye
amber + green catseye= orange catseye
citrine + diamond = yellow diamond
goshenite + ender pearl = white pearl
spinel + ender pearl = pink pearl
citrine + ender pearl = yellow pearl
soul quartz + ender pearl = blue pearl
peridot + diamond = green diamond
Gilded Blackstone + coal = grindstone
Zinc + copper = brass
Smoky quartz + diamond = brown diamond
Green diamond + Yellow diamond = olive diamond
Copper + Gold = Rose Gold
Tanzanite + Diamond = Dark Blue Diamond
Goshenite + Onyx = Zebra Jasper
Silver + Gold = Electrum
Nether star + diamond = solar diamond
Shadow diamond + nether star = eclipse diamond
Nether star + shadow diamond= eclipse diamond
Ender pearl + Bixbite = red pearl
Ender pearl + amber = orange pearl
Ender pearl + peridot = green pearl
Ender pearl + flourite = purple pearl
Ender pearl + onyx = black pearl
Ender pearl + smoky quartz = brown pearl
Ender pearl + chrysolite = olive pearl
Ender pearl + tanzanite = dark blue pearl
Soul quartz + black opal = ice opal
Black opal + soul quartz = ice opal
Aluminum + gold = purple gold
Gold + aluminum = purple gold
Gold + raw copper = green gold
Raw copper + gold = green gold
Citrine + goshenite = rare citrine
Goshenite + citrine = rare citrine
Copper + nickel = cupronickel
Nickel + copper = cupronickel
Onyx + green catseye = black catseye
Green catseye + onyx = black catseye
Smoky quartz + green catseye = brown catseye
Green catseye + smoky quartz = brown catseye
Diamond + garnet = dark red diamond
Garnet + diamond = dark red diamond
Spinel + (green) rare catseye = pink catseye
(green) rare catseye + spinel = pink catseye
Goshenite + (green) rare catseye = white catseye
(green) rare catseye + goshenite = white catseye
Dark Blue Sapphire + solar diamond = star Sapphire
Onyx + Star Sapphire = Black Star sapphire
Pink ruby + solar diamond = star ruby
Amethyst + Star Sapphire = Purple Star Sapphire
Spinel + Star Sapphire = Pink star Sapphire
Citrine + Star Sapphire = yellow star sapphire
Sardonyx + Star Sapphire = Orange Star Sapphire
Peridot + Star Sapphire = Dark Green Star Sapphire
Cyan emerald + star Sapphire = (Cyan)green star sapphire
Sulfur + iron = pyrite
thorium + uranium = radium
uranium + soul quartz = neptunium
titanium + catseye = galaxite
Tool Fusion (same as gem fusion but with tools)
Meteorite (ingot) + netherite (Sword/pickaxe/Axe/armor) = Meteorite (Sword/pickaxe/Axe/armor)
Neon meteorite (ingot) + meteorite (Sword/pickaxe/Axe/armor) = neon meteorite (Sword/pickaxe/Axe/armor)
Step 2 weapons:
You can craft a sword with any ore and you can also craft swords now from emerald and lapiz but it all works a bit differently:
If you want to make a sword, axe, shovel hoe or pickaxe (You can not make all of these tools with everything)
You first need an item called obsidian nuggets; there are 2 ways to get obsidian nuggets:
Put obsidian in a crafting table
Find obsidian ore in the new end dimension
Now create obsidian sticks with the following recipe:
To make tools you simply use the normal vannila recipe with an obsidian stick instead of a normal one:
Metals have a different recipe
You need to make an iron stick with iron nuggets first:
If an ore is found in the nether you need blaze rods to craft a tool out of it (with the exception of green catseye):
Some really powerfull swords are
The uranium and titanium sword:
You can go a step further by fusing uranium with catseye to get adamantite and fusing titanium with soul quartz to get mythril
Now you can make the adamantite and mythril sword:
Step 3 armor
You can't make armor from every ore
These are the ores you can not make armor out of: cyber crystal, corrupted cyber crystal, neon meteorite scrap and meteorite scrap
You just craft armor like normally in Minecraft.
A strong pickaxe you could make is the uranium and titanium pickaxe down here
This mod is based on the bedrock edition add-on and it is made by the same creator.
Thank you, Mcreator for letting me make this mod available for the Java community.
This mod possibly still has some problems/bugs please comment down below if you find any.
Please don't play the mod on your favorite worlds it could corrupt them.
If you want to make a video about the mod please credit me :D
And please do not post it on other websites without my permission.
The bedrock version: https://mcpedl.com/crystalcraft-unlimited-addon
The Java version on the Mcreator website: https://mcreator.net/modification/81950/crystalcraft-unlimited-java-edition
This mod was made with Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/
The official Discord for further questions and news updates: https://discord.gg/yVd3rz545c
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