- Fix missing liquefied mastic resin recipes
- Fix incorrect values for liquefied mastic resin recipes
- Replace zultanite haunting recipes to be exclusive to the given block type (stairs -> stairs, slab -> slab, etc.)
- Change all instances of "Coloured/Colored" to instead be the corresponding *colour of the item
- Correct instances of 'gray' inside of en_ca to now be 'grey'
- Fix Mechanical Extruder compatibility
- Update fabric create dependencies
- Fix Dulse Kelp items/blocks still being tagged as special blaze burner fuel source(s)
- When next to lava, all Liquefied Mastic Resin will now generate a corresponding Zultanite variant
- When next to lava, Apple Cider will now generate Carnotite
- Haunting Purple or Magenta Zultanite produces Abyssal Stone
- Haunting Brown or Orange Zultanite produces Ritualistic Stone
- Haunting Yellow Zultanite produces Carnotite
- Add 17 Zultanite stone types, each corresponding to one of the 16 Minecraft colours + a base variant that is "undyed"
- Add new Bulk Dyeing recipe types for new Liquefied Mastic Resins
- Complete the Mastic Resin rainbow to now include the following colours: Lime, Light Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Pink, Black, Gray, Light Gray, White, and Brown
- Refactor all Brick Stairs, Slabs, Walls, etc. blocks to now follow the vanilla id formatting
- Adjust Carnotite textures
- Update the "consume all foods" advancement to include the new Mastic Paste(s)
- Add Create: Framed compatibility for Bulk Dyeing