!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2-1.20.1!
- Add Peanut Oil
- Add Bottled Peanut Oil
- Add Bitter Almonds
- Add Cashew Apples/Fruit
- Add Cashew Cookies
- Add Brownies With Walnuts
- Add Pecan Pie
- Add Bitter Apple Cider
- Update Cryptic Apple Cider Texture
- Adjust Nut Leaves Loot Tables
- Add Cashew Apples/Fruit to Cashew Leaves Loot Table
- Adjust Salad Recipe
- Now requires Pistachios alongside a few other changes
- Add the Ability to Make an Assembly Line for Cookies using Macadamia Nuts
- Add "emptying" Recipes
- Add Certain Items to Blaze Burner Fuel Tags
- Fix Missing Entry "Chocolate Nut Mix" from Item Tag "nut_mix"
- Add Advancement for Obtaining a Brownie With Walnuts
- Adjust Other Advancements
- Update zh_cn Translations
- Peanut Oil + Lava Fluid Interaction
- Dripstone Automation
- Alongside Fabric/Forge 1.20.1 ports
- Should be compatible with any 1.20.x version, though developed for 1.20.1
- Adjust proper values/register methods
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Fix Nut Leaves loot table
- Fix Nut-related leaves breaking speed
- Fix Nut Tree Generation
- Potentially fix Server-related crash [Forge]
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- [Reinstall] Fix Melted Cinder Flour Hazelnut Effect
- [Reinstall] Fix "Empty Tag Salt Compound" [Fabric]
- If you have already had v0.6 installed prior to 2023/08/29, please remove the file and reinstall
- Add Hazelnut Nut type
- Add alternative chocolate recipe utilizing Hazelnuts
- Add Phantom Steak [sequenced assembly recipe]
- Add Powderered Garnish
- Add transitional items for sequenced assembly recipes
- Update zh_cn lang file
- Update en_us lang file
- Update en_ca lang file
- Remove Nut-related crops
- Replace old worldgen system with Nut-related trees
- Remove old "Nut Growth" Loot Table
- "Crushed Salt" milling/crushing recipe now requires limestone exclusively
- Remove block tag "crushable/stone"
- Refactor Salt Compound recipe to a "sequenced assembly"
- Step 1: Press Crushed Salt [Unprocessed Salt Compound as a result]
- Step 2: Press Unprocessed Salt Compound [Unprocessed Salt Compound as a result]
- Step 3: Apply Flint [Salt Compound as a result]
- Fix Salad recipe
- Refactor all Effect-related Melted Cinder Nut recipes
- Replace water with lava
- Recipe type converted to compacting
- Replace sugar with Salt Compound or Powdered Garnish
- Add Salt Compound to both "Solidified Block of Garnish" compacting recipes
- Rebalance "Garnish Compound" crushing recipe
- Base output decreased from 5 to 4
- Secondary output decreased from 3 to 2
- Secondary output chance decreased from 20% to 10%
- Remove water requirement for all base Melted Cinder Nut recipes
- Remove Botany Pots Compatibility
- Fix icon [Forge]
- Fix fluid interactions [Forge]
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
Add Crushed Salt [Crafting Material]
Add Salt Compound [Ingredient]
Add Salad [Food Item]
Fixed Apple Cider recipe (heating -> heated)
Fixed Liquid Garnish recipe (heating -> heated)
Fix Peanut milling recipe (accepted almonds instead of peanuts)
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
Add Crushed Salt [Crafting Material]
Add Salt Compound [Ingredient]
Add Salad [Food Item]
Fixed Apple Cider recipe (heating -> heated)
Fixed Liquid Garnish recipe (heating -> heated)
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Add botany pots support
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Add Peanuts
- Lower Garnished Compound crushing recipe "processingTime"
- 150 -> 100
- Increase base Garnished Compound crushing recipe output value
- 2 -> 5
- Increase secondary Garnished Compound crushing recipe output chance
- 15 -> 20
- Increase secondary Garnished Compound crushing recipe output value
- 2 -> 3
- Remove the third Garnished Compound crushing recipe output
- Adjust advancement placement/order
- Adjust item tags
- Adjust fluid tags
- Update item tags from previous updates
- Update "fluid/water" tag
- Easter egg advancement implemented
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Add Solidified Garnish Block
- Add Garnished Meal [Food Item]
- Add Garnish Compound
- Add Chocolate Glazed Nuts
- Add Apple Cider [Fluid]
- Add Apple Cider [Food Item]
- Add Cryptic Apple Cider [Food Item]
- Fix Nutrition/Saturation values remaining
- Adjusted ingredients required for Garnish
- Add additional recipes regarding garnished foods
- "chocolate_glazed_nuts" Item tag added
- Redo Liquid Garnish flowing texture
- Add advancements focused on progression
- Adjust fluid values in specific recipes
Fluid Interactions
Liquid Garnish touching Lava -> Calcite
Apple Cider touching Lava -> Ochrum
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Fix Nut Growth World Generation For Fabric [Generates in The Plains Biome]
- Refactor/Fix SEVERAL Food Items [Partly Dev Change]
- Add Honeyed Nuts [Cashew, Walnut, Almond, Pistachio, Pecan, Macadamia]
Additional Notes
Create: Garnished 0.3 will most likely be the first release version for the mod, however, this also means that it may not receive another update until then. The mod is nearing a semi-completed state, as more features get refined. 0.3 will consist of any remaining bugs that may/may not be present, as well as additional content that may result in an overhaul, implementing MANY more food items. A short list of currently planned release features can be found below
Planned Implementations
- Chocolate Glazed Nuts [Includes Nut Mix]
- Vanilla+ Food Items [Utilizing Vanilla Food Items To Create Better Sources Of Food Using The Create Mod]
- Advancements to align with Create Mod Progression [Similar To How The Create Mod Advancements Screen is Used to Show Progression, Create: Garnished Will Utilize A Similar Way Of Guiding Players Through The Mod]
Chocolate Glazed Nuts
This is to follow a similar pattern to the honeyed nuts, as while it won't be much better, it's better to have the option at least available to the player if they so wish. This also includes Chocolate Glazed Nut Mix.
Vanilla+ Food Items
These would utilize (mostly) vanilla food items to create more effective food sources via the Create mod. Some examples of this can be found below
- Apple Cider [Implemented as a food source, as well as an additional fluid that can be stored in fluid tanks]
- Garnished Meal [Utilizing both vanilla and modded food sources, would act similar to nut mix, having a little bit more saturation/nutrition values, as well as stacking up to 16]
- Toasted Bread [Obtained via standard smelting, though can (as many other related items) be automated via Create]
Progression via Advancements
Create Mod has a progression-like system utilizing the advancement system implemented in Minecraft. Create: Garnished will most likely implement additional advancements that aren't in a separate section of the menu, but in the same tab as all other Create mod advancements. The progression system would most likely follow this order or similar:
- The Vast Wilderness [Obtain Nut Growth]
- Garnishment! [Garnish Your First Nut]
- Who Needs Beacons Anyway? [Melt An Effect Into A Garnished Nut Using Cinder Flour]
- This Isn't Create: Confectionary! [Sweeten Your Nuts]
- Compacted Nuts [Obtain Nut mix]
"Who needs Beacons Anyway?" and "This Isn't Create: Confectionary" would most likely branch from the same advancement, as they both progress the mod in some way. There would probably be additional advancements branching out, such as follows:
- Prepared Like A Chef! [Mix Sugar, Seeds, and Water to create Liquid Garnish]
- Sweet Teeth [Coat Sweet Berries, Nuts, or Nut Mix with Honey]
- etc.
Potential Plans
While this probably won't happen, there is the potential of Nut Mix being able to combine effects via using data tags. This would have to be it's own update/be the main priority of an update however, as it would take up a lot of time to try to figure out and fully develop
!Utilizes Create 0.5.1 for 1.19.2!
- Fixes Almond/Pistachio related crushing/milling recipes
- Add Macadamia Nuts
- Add Honeyed Nut Mix