Main Changes
- Quilt compatible
- Mod no longer requires Fabric API
- AE2 Optional if you don't want Creative items to be craftable (or just don't craft them)
Other, but also important
- Fixed Create: Design n' Decor recipes for brass and zinc: bolt, screw, catwalk, railing
- Added Ender Pearl recipe (will probably be changed)
- Added an unpacking recipe for
Block of Rose Quartz
from Biomes o' Plenty into Create'sRose Quartz
- Added packing recipe (shapeless and shaped) for
Block of Rose Quartz
from Create'sRose Quartz
- Added stripped logs and wood from Biomes o' Plenty to
tag - Chain Drives now craftable with zinc nuggets like in Create 6.0
- The jar file now can be turned into a datapack if you change it from .jar to .zip file
- Lowered chance of netherite scraps from netherrack (crushing), 5% -> 1%
- Changed Creative Fluid Tank recipe to use powdered obsidian instead of Weeping Obsidian from BetterNether
- BetterNether is no longer required
- Added unpacking recipe for ice
- Added more item tags for future updates
- Fixed Brass, Zinc & Copper Lamp recipes from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Brass & Copper floodlight recipes from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Compact Iron Fluid Tank and Compact Fluid Tank recipes from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Brass, Copper & Zinc Floor recipes (stonecutting) from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Metal Plate & Metal Plate Wall recipe (stonecutting) from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Metal Support & Diagonal Metal Support recipes (stonecutting) from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Zinc Checker Tiles recipe (stonecutting) from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Andesite, Brass & Zinc Boiler recipes (stonecutting) from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Stepped Lever recipe from Design n' Decor
- Fixed Breaker Switch recipe from Design Decor
- Fixed Blank Sign and Blank Letter Sign recipes from Design Decor
- Added recipe to unpack nether bricks
- Added recipe
- Added recipe
- Added recipe
- Expanded "
" tag to cover all wood types - Added more casing recipes (not including
shadow, radiant, overcharge, blaze brass and stargaze
casings from Create: Dreams & Desires) - Fixed incorrectly written tags in recipe fixes
- *Moved recipe fixes to overwrite the official recipes
- Added "
" item tag - Fixed Industrial Iron and Zinc catwalk and catwalk railing recipes from Create Deco
*The fixed recipes are the same as they would be but here using either custom tags or just items instead of forge tags that literally don't exist on fabric
Fixed casing recipes
Honestly idk how did I forget to change the tags used in the recipes The whole thin used to be called "Create: Complete Automation", it was the planned name for this mod but I didn't really like it and when turning it into "Create: Bits n' Bops" I forgot to change te used tags from create_ca to create_bnb