- Improved handling of song information data from Gensokyo Radio API
- Changed the HTTP library used by the mod to Apache HttpClient (previously OkHttp) to prevent errors
- The mod no longer keeps album art textures of previous songs, reducing the risk of running out of memory
- Fixed an issue where the song overlay fails when the year data is invalid
- Fixed a crash when toggling the music playback
- Fixed an issue where song info sometimes disappears (when the album ID is null)
- Fixed an issue where song info sometimes disappears (when the album ID is null)
- Slightly mixin adjustments
- Fixed intermission state not showing up correctly due to changes in the Gensokyo Radio API
- Moved to the new JSON-based API for retriving song information
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19
- Better error handling for Song Information HUD
- Better error handling for audio player (You can now press M [Toggle Mute] to reconnect to the audio server)
- Fixed an issue where clicking the audio volume slider while the playback is stopped crashes the game
- Song information XML parsing should technically be a bit faster