Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
: Merge pull request #147 from ajperson1927/release/1.19.2 Backporting the config to disable the HUD
: Backporting the config to disable the HUD
Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
: [Cosmere] Added option to not assign powers on spawn to server config
: [Cosmere] Fix invalid player data message on creating new world without either feruchemy or allomancy installed
: Merge pull request #149 from Roseplate/develop [Surgebinding] SL Keybinds & SL Drawing/Breathing
: Naming Convention & Style fix (Cont. bc Rose is a moron)
: Naming Convention & Style fix
: SL Keybinds. PLEASE LOOK OVER. I think it works?
: SL Keybinds. PLEASE LOOK OVER. I think it works?
: Merge pull request #146 from SoaringEaqle/main Activator Keybinds & Patchoui updates
: fixes formating issues Signed-off-by: SoaringEaqle
: Update undid removal of shift for deactivate powers
: Update removed unused keybind strings
: Update
: Merge branch 'develop' into main
: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into keybindEntry
: adds activator keybinds Signed-off-by: SoaringEaqle
: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into keybindEntry Signed-off-by: SoaringEaqle # Conflicts: # src/datagen/allomancy/java/leaf/cosmere/allomancy/patchouli/ # src/datagen/cosmeretools/java/leaf/cosmere/tools/patchouli/
: Changes to Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Cosmere tools patchouli guides. Adds keybinds to steel, iron, zinc, and brass allomancy pages. Adds mentions of future features for aluminum allomancy. Clarifies use on Chromium, Nicrosil, Cadmium, and Bendalloy Allomancy. Corrects Typo on Feruchemical Cadmium and clarifies compounding. Edits Cosmere tools main page slightly. Remember to check my work on the Allomancy guide.
: [Surgebinding] First pass dynamic generated shardblade visuals
: [Project] add code style file
: [Surgebinding] I accept this journey
: [Surgebinding] breathe stormlight keybind
: [Surgebinding] nightblood spoilers
: [Allomancy] Fixed a bug where brass and zinc threads would be null on switching from compounding to burning, fixes #144
: [Allomancy] Metal clusters now give more push power than single blocks
: [Allomancy] Added distance-based transparency for blocks in steelsight to match lines
: Removed unused imports introduced via experimenting
: [Allomancy] Improved cluster selection and cleaned up cluster detection code
: [Surgebinding] first pass 2nd ideal req windrunner
: [Port] Fixed issue with vertical pushing with coin pouch
: [Surgebinding] first pass on oaths - scans chat messages for relevant oaths, doesn't actually check if order related requirements are met... because they don't exist yet.
: [Surgebinding] fix bootstrapping incorrect biome file
: [Cosmere] add copper nuggets to nuggets tag, fix #139
: [Misc] forgot to commit some files with small misc changes
: [Surgebinding] honorblades grant powers when dismissed
: [Cosmere] Bad implementation of powers ancestry
: [Cosmere] Determination damage changes refactor. Should fix f-electrum/aviar yellowblue/a-pewter determination based damage reduction
: [Allomancy] Added config option for iron/steel range, closes #135
Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
: [Port] bump version
: [Port] enum utils class for enum arrays
: [Port] rerun datagen
: Merge pull request #122 from DiceOf20/feature/1.20.x/Port_1.19.2_to_1.20.1 Feature/1.20.x/port 1.19.2 to 1.20.1
: Merge branch 'feature/1.20.x/Port_1.19.2_to_1.20.1' into feature/1.20.x/Port_1.19.2_to_1.20.1
: Allomancy complete and QCed
: Merge branch 'feature/1.20.x/Port_1.19.2_to_1.20.1' of into feature/1.20.x/Port_1.19.2_to_1.20.1
: First pass on doccumentation Aviar is done, allomancy needs some touch ups and general QC
: [Port] add copper spike to creative menu
: [Port] rename night vision and xp gain rate attributes.
: [Port] Ore generation
: [UI] Fixed massive None text bug
: [UI] New HUD in a functional state Also added config option to turn it off
: [UI] First round of HUD improvements Replaced red text with an icon and vertical tap/store/burn indicator
: [Port] Removed cosmere:copper Also apparently CosmereTools had no recipes so I fixed that
: [Port] Finally fixed oxidized copper not being pushable
: [Port] Fixed F-chromium not adding fortune on tap
: [Port] Fixed(?) iron and steel lines not accounting for resistance properly on Z and Y axes. Also I ran 'optimise imports' on the allomancy project, hence the other updates files
: [Port] Fixed iron/steel line selection
: [Port] BaseDatapackRegistryProvider and implementation for CosmereDataGenerator. Adds damage types to data gen. Fixes #115
: [Port] Curio spike icon colour matches other curio icons
: [Port] Creative tab strings fixed
: [Port] Creative tabs for tools/surgebinding
: [Port] patchouli fix invalid tools icon
: [Port] Curios
: [Port] Fix vial mixing
: [Port] Eating nuggets/spiking gives small exhaustion
: [Patchouli] data gen fixes
: [All] run data
: [Port] Fix compile errors in datagen
: [Port] Remove oregen from data generation
: [Port] Metal ore registration changes
: [Port] removing surgebinding biome modifiers for now
: [Port] Patchouli moving files, updating entries json to match new folder structure. hopefully the data gen just works
: [Port] patchouli move from data to assets
: [Port] patchouli move from data to assets
: [Surgebinding] Chulls drop random gems
: [Port] datagen loot tables
: [Port] datagen ItemModels/patchouli compiling errors resolved
: [Port] tag providers should now compile
: [Port] patchouli relations page object accepts single string if only one relation
: [Port] clean used features functions
: [Port] Build gradle task works!
: [Port] Fixed clouds and lines being 'unstuck'
: [Port] Fixed freeze on null vector in lines thread
: [Port] work towards getting the build gradle task going
: Merge pull request #114 from SoaringEaqle/feature/Patchouli-changes Feature/patchouli changes
: Changes to Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Cosmere tools patchouli guides. Adds keybinds to steel, iron, zinc, and brass allomancy pages. Adds mentions of future features for aluminum allomancy. Clarifies use on Chromium, Nicrosil, Cadmium, and Bendalloy Allomancy. Corrects Typo on Feruchemical Cadmium and clarifies compounding. Edits Cosmere tools main page slightly. Remember to check my work on the Allomancy guide. Signed-off-by: SoaringEaqle
: [Port] even betterer ordering feruchemy/hemalurgy
: [Port] feruchemy creative, forgot rings/bracelets
: [Port] allomancy creative tab
: [Port] sandmastery filled qido to creative tab
: [Port] feruchemy creative tabs better
: [Port] Hemalurgy Creative Tab better
: [Port] creative tab improvements
: [Port] filled spikes re-added to hemalurgy creative tab
: [Port] Hemalurgy Creative Tabs
: [Port] apparently damage types require datapacks jsons now
: [Port] Fix self referential stacktrace explosion
: [Port] updated precipitation key in biome jsons
: [Port] Fix misnamed secondary cosmere creative tab
: [Port] disabling some ore gen stuff
: [Port] surgebinding biomes and dimension errors
: [Port] surgebinding ore target
: [Port] more level references
: [Port] shardplate armor material
: [Port] shardplate
: [Port] surgebinding combat buffs
: [Port] roshar plants
: [Port] Breaking dehydration damage source
: [Port] sandmastery creative tabs
: [Port] Sandmastery UI
: [Port] sandmastery water hud
: [Port] damage types
: [Port] KolossPatrolSpawner
: [Port] FogManager
: [Port] Fortune loot modification
: [Port] Creative Tabs
: [Port] Most non data-gen scripts are errorless now.
: [Port] A big chunk of files across all mods. Data generation is currently the main remaining erroring files.
: [Port] Ported cosmere tools Without creative tabs, hard to figure out when it doesn't build
: [Port] Fixed some mistakes regarding atlases
: [Port] Ported Awakening There wasn't much to do
: [Port] Ported Aviars
: [Port] Ported AonDor icons There are none, but the skeleton's there now
: [Port] Allomancy items ported
: [Port] Even more assorted allomancy ported stuff I should really stop bulk committing, I'm sorry
: [Port] Redid iron/steel lines resistance due to Materials being removed.
: [Port] Assorted allomancy things ported.
: [Port] Updated Curios API implementation Left a few things in commented out in case we come back later
: [Port] Biome registration
: [Port] Recipe data generators
: [Port] Cryptic and patji fruit item
: [Port] Language generators
: [Port] Ported most core Cosmere mod features. Only Biomes remain
: [Port] Cleaning errors in various scripts
: [Cosmere] Updating Gradle and related versions for 1.20.1
Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
: Revert "Temporarily remove tools mod optional dependency, as it is preventing mod file uploads. Will undo when cosmere-tools gets approved on curseforge." This reverts commit ad1fd2a262bb3ac06e65ed2b571f558e25569c96.
: Fix crash related to CosmereTools addon
: Merge pull request #104 from leeislate/1.19.x Replace Koloss Textures
: Replace Koloss Textures Epic ahh koloss lookin time rahaha
Cosmere and related sub module mods are considered to be in an alpha state! You have been warned :)
: Temporarily remove tools mod optional dependency, as it is preventing mod file uploads. Will undo when cosmere-tools gets approved on curseforge.
: [Tools] missed a file somehow oops
: Merge pull request #94 [Allomancy] Aim improvements for iron and steel
: [Tools] Initial tools/armor. No metalmind functionality.
: [Surgebinding] fix gemstone tooltip charge amounts and charge bar
: Merge pull request #96 from leafreynolds/feature/1.19.x/CoinPouch_IronPullFixes Coin Pouch Ironpull Fixes
: Merge pull request #98 from leeislate/1.19.x Update fruit_of_patji.png
: Update fruit_of_patji.png
: [Aviar] move fruit to generic wandering trader trades
: [Sandmastery] Fixed overmastery only working once, made a boo boo with the overmastery UUID tracker
: [Feruchemy] fix feru brass fire-aspect and self immolation to be different tap levels
: [Feruchemy] fix feru brass fire-aspect and self immolation to be different tap levels
: [Allomancy] Iron Pull pulls item entities/coin projectiles directly into coin pouch
: [Allomancy] coin pouch allows non-cosmere metal nuggets
: [Allomancy] coin pouch entry for the patchouli guide book
: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.19.x' into feature/1.19.x/IronSteelAimImprovements
: [Allomancy] Added dynamic tolerance to aim assist so that the radius changes in relation to distance.
: [Allomancy] Fixed a bug with cluster targeting where all metal blocks would be highlighted.
: [Allomancy] Distance dims iron and steel lines.
: [Allomancy] Cleanup after aim improvements.
: [Allomancy] Added highlights for iron/steel targeting.
: [Allomancy] Iron/steel aim improvements, inaccuracy tolerance.