Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Added Salt as a drop from Sand
- Added Pink Salt as a drop from Red Sand
- Fixed several issues
New Blocks
Fancy Wardrobe.
Rustic Wardrobe.
Gothic Birch Arm Chair.
Leather Throne Chair.
Red Acacia Daybed.
White Silk Daybed.
Yellow Silk Daybed.
Wooden Latrine.
Rope On The Wall.
Rope Pile.
Hanging Rugs (16 Variants).
Old Wood Wall Shelf.
Drying Rack.
Jam Jars, Can be stacked up to 5 times:
- Jam Jars.
- Apple Jar.
- Raspberry Jar.
- Strawberry Jar.
Bottle of Rum.
Large Bottle of Wine.
Hanging Foods:
- Carrots, Herbs, Beetroots, Onions, Bananas, Beef, Pig, Rabbit, Fish, Sardines, Mentula Fish, Salmon, Salami and Sausages.
New Items
- Salt - Can be used in Butter crafting.
- Pink Salt - Can be used in Butter crafting.
- Carpentry Plan - Can be used in Carpentry recipes.
- Nails - Can be used in Carpentry recipes.
New Functionalities
- Loot tables added for all blocks.
- Added Butter Churn Menu - Now you can craft Butter using Milk and Salt in the Butter Churn.
- Added Carpentry Table Menu – "Furniture" and "Carpentry Blocks" can now be crafted via the Carpentry Table.
- Added Sawhorse Menu – All types of vanilla wood blocks and Timbers can now be crafted using the Sawhorse.
- Plants tagged as "small_flower" can now be potted in the Wicker Window Planter.
- Blocks tagged as "jam_jars" and "bottle" can be placed on the Old Wood Wall Shelf.
- Blocks tagged as "hangable_on_rack" can be placed on the Drying Rack.
Blocks From Conquest Reforged
- Wicker Basket (Updated Model).
- Old Wicker Basket (Updated Model).
- Yellow Wicker Basket (Updated Model).
- Small Basket Variants:
- Small Wicker Basket.
- Small Wicker Basket of Apples.
- Stackable Bottles:
- Brown Bottle (Stacks up to 4).
- Green Bottle (Stacks up to 4).
- Bottle of Wine (Stacks up to 4).
- Bottle of Soda (Stacks up to 4).
- Bottle of Frankincence.
- Water Jug.
- Broken Bottle.
Fixes and Changes
- Fixed rendering issue with Broken Barrel.
- Added Toggle State for Carpentry Tool Rack.
- Now the block's appearance can be changed dynamically.
- Updated the placement mechanics for Trestles.
- Renamed "horizontal_butter_churn" to "hanging_barrel".
- Renamed "plunger_butter_churn" to "butter_churn"
- Renamed "carpentry_table_top" to "carpentry_tool_rack"
- Renamed "hanging_rug" to "william_morris_hanging_rug"
Initial Release For Forge
New Blocks
- Three Legged Chair
- Small Barrels (Can Be Stacked 4 Times)
- Lectern
- Arabic Spruce and Birch Lectern
- Pile of Books (Can Be Stacked 8 Times)
- Row of Books (Has Toggle State)
- Wicker Window Planter
- Hanging Wicker Flower Basket
- Stake Anvil
- Grille
- Stone, Sandstone and Marble Bench
- Dry Slate Bench (8 Directional States)
- Lavender Plant
- Wheel and Reinforced Wheel (6 Directional States)
- Wheel and Reinforced Wheel On The Wall (Can Be Toggled To Place Against the Wall)
New Functionalities
- "Row of Books" can now be placed inside all types of Rustic Bookcases and Cabinets
- The "Lectern" can now be toggled to change its appearance
- Dandelion, Rose Bush, Peony and (New) Lavender Can be potted to "Hanging Wicker Flower Basket"
Blocks From Conquest Reforged
- Old Wood Chair
- Oak Chair
- Spruce Chair
- Fancy Chair
- "Bathtube" now correctly generates vapor particle when filed with "Water Bucket"
- New Cabinets (8 Color Variants)
- New Closets (8 Color Variants)
- New Cupboards (8 Color Variants)
- New Bookcases (8 Color Variants)
- New Dressers (8 Color Variants)
- New Drawers (8 Color Variants)
- New End Tables (8 Color Variants)
- New Side Tables (8 Color Variants)
- New Fanct Cabinet and Dresser
- New Sofas (4 Color Variants)
- New Chairs (7 Variants)
- New Bench Blocks (3 Variants)
- New Arabic Round Table
- New Ash Wood Barrel
- New Horizontal Butter Churn
- New Stackable Crates (10 Variants)
- New Large Crates (6 Variants)
- New Sack Blocks (7 Variants)
- New Stove
- New Bucket (Can Be Filled With Water and Butter Item)
- New Large Buckets (3 Variants)
- New Wooden Chamber Pot
- New Rustic Bathtub
- New Washboard (Can Be Placed Above The Washing Tub)
- New Easel (2 Variants)
- New Mirrors
- New Tailor Mirror
- New Clothes Hanging Pole (2 Toggle States)
- New Shoes Blocks (4 Variants)
- New Mortar and Pestle
- New Cutting Table
- New Food Blocks
- New Stackable Scrolls
- New Treadle Loom
- New Hanging Rug
- New Stackable Woven Silk
- New Wine Press Block (Can Be Placed Above #table Tagged Blocks)
- New Trough Feeder
- New Basket Feeders (2 Variants)
- New Animal Cage
- New Hand Cart
- New Wicker Flower Pot
- New Carpentry Table
- New Sawhorse
- New Trestles
- New Toolbox Block
- New Stackable Timber Blocks (For All Vanilla Wood Types)
- New Platform Blocks
- New Log Bench
- New Rope/Chain Wrapped Wood Beam Blocks
Blocks From Conquest Reforged
- Barrels And Keg (Now Can Store Items)
- Tall Barrel (Now Can Store Items)
- Butter Churn
- Broken Barrel
- Ewer And Salver Blocks (2 Variants)
- Pots and Pans
- Hay Bundle
- Wooden Washing Tub (Updated Model)