- Added ultra necrozma and necrozma
- Added fusions for necrozma
- Added tera orb aka terrestrial
- Added Lunala and Solgaleo
- Major Bug fixes
- Translation patches
- Now tera/z moves the glow of the pokemon depends on its type
- 10% chance pokemon drops a tera shard of its main type
- Added Z moves (can be disabled in config)
- Fixed friendship mod bug
- Updated JA_JP lang
- Added a new config friendship mode(false by default) if set to true it makes it so that you cant mega your pokemon outside of battle unless you have a friendship of over 200+
- Fixed some missing mega evo's in battle
- Ability patch
- Fixed trinkets/curios compatibility with other mods
- Fixed rayquaza pre battle mega bug
- Major bug fixes
- Increased redorb and blueorb spawn rate cuz im not evil
- Now level 3 cartographer can give u a map to he megaroid in exchange for a raw mega stone
- Updated ZN_CH lang
- Patched some bugs
- Fixed primal's evolution
- Added primal revert effects
- Bug fixes
- Temporary mega evolution animation
- Patched abilities
- Fixed major bugs
- Added a scuffed mode config