Add (a few) blocks + vanilla mobs to the Primordial Oceans
Fixed a few bugs related to the Glare.
Updated the Primordial Oceans
Added Malachite blockset (most of which aren't craftable yet)
Added Primordial Sand (We're still experimenting with colors! Please provide feedback if you can)
Added -vegetation- (Placeholder for our own ancient sealife)
Tweaked Ancient woodset colors
Fixed numerous bugs (Including Blue Algae having the incorrect name, and small clouds not generating.)
Added the Primordial Oceans
Just in a basic generation testing phase, but I would like some feedback on the shelves!! We only have one custom block right now (A light source), but more will be coming!
Fixed bugs pertaining to certain features not generating
Added some ceiling foliage for the Underhang, fixed some small bugs, and started work on two new biomes! (Not implemented yet, obviously)