Changes since v0.40:
Added a Block method in the mod API to check if a block is fertilized for growing plants ("getIsFertilizedForPlantGrowth")
Added a Block method in the mod API to check if another block is attached to the facing of a block ("isBlockAttachedToFacing").
Added a common block tag "WOODEN_MISC_BLOCKS" for modded blocks that are considered "wooden"
Fixed a bug where the game would crash when (non-player) entities tried to destroy blocks and drop stacks
Added Shears to the IRON_TOOLS item tag, which in turn makes it make the proper metallic sound when crafted.
Improved the crafting sound code even more and made sure it works in shift-click item retrieval as well.
Moved the crafting sounds of tools/items to be added by BTWR: Core.
- Improved the code for the crafting sounds for items & made that a separate system.
- Tried fixing mod version check failing problem on older versions by removing "SNAPSHOT" in the string that checks the version in the code.
- Changed the btwr-ds mod id to be btwr_ds in some places that had the old one.
Changes since v0.34:
- Added missing block tag entry for directional dropping blocks for the oak log block
- Fixed item tag translations to display properly
- Added new tag for shear cutting sound items
- Added sounds to play on craft for tools (wooden, stone, metalic types)
- Added new item tags for adding sounds to modded tools like mentioned above
- Improved the crafting sounds for other misc items and added sound to play for items that get crafted with shears
Changes since v0.32
- Added shared conventional tag for meats viable for sandwich food.
- Added conventional block tag name translations
- Changed the sounds for crafting for Slime-like items to be louder
- Improved conditions for placement for PlaceableAsBlock items. They are now not placeable on leaves
Changes since v0.29:
- Added missing mixins for BlockAdded related functionality & Made hoe breaking logic work properly without needing BTWR:Core
- Added ExtendedShapelessRecipe which allows adding new items to existing shapeless recipes to drop as side drops
- Initial release