- Fixes crash when using a Homeward Bone or Coiled Sword Fragment with destroyed Bonfires
Fix a potential crash with reinforced items when they break (and possibly other situations)
Add 3 new config options to set the amount the Estus Flask heals and how much damage reinforcement increases
Prevent clients from reinforcing if the server has it disabled but the client doesn't
- Fixed Estus Flask healing not increasing with reinforcement
- Added reinforcement info to tooltips
- Fixed Reinforce GUI max level display
- Added reinforcement info to tooltips
- Fixed Reinforce GUI max level display
- Reinforcing using item NBT tag instead of capability
- Reinforced item name only changed in tooltip to avoid weirdness with renaming in an anvil
- Fixed reinforcing not working
- Updated to 1.19
- Fix player unable to respawn
- Fix player unable to respawn
- Updated to 1.18
- Fixed required materials for reinforcing.
- Adjusted Estus Flask icon to only display as full when full
- Fixed required materials for reinforcing.
- Adjusted Estus Flask icon to only display as full when full
- Updated to 1.16
- Sound effects added for creating a Bonfire and teleporting
- Bonfire particles now rise
- Reinforcing repairs the item
- Pile of Bone and Ash item display is much more like other blocks
- Titanite Shards are now only obtainable by smelting obsidian
- Titanite Chunks are crafted with Netherite Scraps instead of Magma Cream
- The cheaper recipe for the Coiled Sword is now an Iron Sword and - Coiled Sword Fragment in a Smithing Table
- When lighting a Bonfire, or travelling to one, a title appears
- When using the /bonfires command the chat can be clicked to copy the name, ID, owner and pos to the clipboard
- Some small fixes as a result of changes to Forge and Minecraft since 1.12
- Removed poise
- Reinforced items will now actually have increased attack damage
- Removed poise
Requires Forge 2694+
- Added config option to disable titanite shard drops from obsidian
- Added config option to disable undead bone shards dropping from bonfires destroyed by explosions
- Added config option to disable reinforcing
- Added config option to blacklist items from being showing in the reinforce menu
- Added support for metadata with dimension tab icons
- Fixed dimension tab indexing that caused a crash
- Removed poise