Players can no longer use Bonfires when monsters are nearby, radius is configurable
When respawning if the Estus Flask is still in the inventory (with keepInventory true for example) the Estus Flask will be refilled.
Config option added to enable repairing armour and tools when using a Bonfire
Bonfire screenshots no longer need to wait to take them and as such the config option has been removed
Travelling to a Bonfire will set your respawn point to that Bonfire.
Reinforce menu now shows what is being upgraded, the scroll bar resizes to fit the content and displays reinforceable items in your off hand slot.
The screenshot button is now usable without deleting the screenshot first so you can easily retake screenshots.
Screenshot display is now zoomed out and displays properly at any GUI scale.
Bonfires are now sorted by most recently created first and the current Bonfire will always be the first one displayed.
Opening the travel menu will now auto select the current Bonfire
Dimension tabs are now sorted Overworld -> Nether -> End -> Others and changing tab will auto select the first Bonfire if one is present.
Right clicking in the reinforce and travel menu will now return you to the base Bonfire menu
You can press enter instead of clicking the create button when creating a Bonfire to create it.
Using pick block in creative on a bonfire will give you an unlit bonfire instead of a Pile of Bone and Ash, holding shift will copy the name and publicity of the Bonfire too
Bonfires that have somehow lingered in the GUI when the Bonfire itself has been destroyed should now get removed.
A crash that can happen sometimes related to the tooltip for reinforced items should now be fixed.
Ported to 1.20.6
Reinforcing now increases durability by 10% each time
Ported to 1.20.6
Reinforcing now uses an attribute modifier to increase damage, fixes incompatibility with Mob Grinding Utils
Reinforcing now increases durability by 10% each time
- Reinforcing now uses an attribute modifier to increase damage, fixes incompatibility with Mob Grinding Utils
- Ported to Fabric
- Updated to 1.20.4
- Ported to NeoForge
- Fixed advancements background
- Updated to 1.20.4
- Fixed advancements background
- Fixed advancements background
- Unlit Bonfires can be created through NBT or using the ones in the creative tab
- Hidden Dimensions in GUI config option added to hide dimension tabs in the Bonfire GUI.