Beacon Overhaul Reloaded
A mod for Minecraft that improves game mechanics around beacons
- Night vision, fire resistance, nutrition, long reach, slow falling, and health boost are new effects that can be given by a beacon.
- A points system for beacons, with where more expensive materials grant a more potent effect.
- Higher potency of night vision, allowing the player to see everything with midday lighting (full bright) and no fog effects.
- 2 new effects, Long Reach, which increases interaction reach, and Nutrition, which passively restoring food levels.
- Adds a dropping mechanic to slow falling, allowing sneaking to cause a fall at normal velocity whilst still negating damage.
- Increases step height with jump boost, allowing the player to step up blocks instantaneously when the effect is applied.
- Note: Auto-jump takes precedence, and will need to be disabled for this to have any effect.
- Beacon beam redirection using amethyst clusters. (Credit to vazkii & Quark contributors)
- Smooths out beacon beam colour changes
- Use tinted glass to make the beacon beam transparent
- More blocks can be used in the beacon base: Copper & Amethyst
- New & Improved beacon UI
- Extremely configurable
Logo design by @voxel_dani
Beacon Beam Redirection & Tinting, With Smooth Colours
Improved Beacon UI
TODO/Future Features
- Beacon
- Revamp UI
- Points system
- Smooth beacon beams
- Beacon beam redirection using amethyst clusters
- When the beam is obstructed, still render it, but blink red. Don't grant effects.
- More effects? (smth to remove phantoms/patrols? maybe this could be for the corrupted beacon...)
- Allow Lapis & Redstone to be used in the base. (what can make them different from other blocks?)
- Integration with other mods (how?)
- Conduit
- Multiple tiers
- New block that uses the Heart of the Sea to increase potency/range/etc.
- Increase visibility underwater
- Implement additional relics/monuments
- Conduits
- new block: Corrupted Beacon
- new block: Corrupted Conduit (?)
- Enchanting Tables (?)
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 9 months ago
Updated 8 months ago