++ Added Break Protection Failsafe
++ Added Settings for Break Protection Failsafe
++ Added Sound and Notification for Break Protection Failsafe
++ Added 60 sec recast when no catch detected
-- Slightly improved Auto-Fishing
++ Added Auto Lava Fishing (Uses Different detection but uses same user delay and randomized delay)
-- Fixed ItemSwapper to function as intended.
-- Now Tracks ItemSwapper failsafe from any slot in the hotbar. (It starts tracking from when you start Autofishing)
-- ItemSwapper should work with custom Fishing rods.
-- Changed Autofishing toggle handling
**Stable version **
-- Huge Performance and size optimization
++ Added Inventory HUD
++ Added Visual Settings
++ Added ItemSwap Failsafe
++ Added Itemswap settings
-- Changed ForceStoponGUIOpen --> GUI Failsafe
-- Fixed Back button missing in Settings
++ Better "Stop on GUI open" handling
Important update for making it look more legit :)
++ Added In-game Push Notifications
++ Added Notification Settings
-- Changed the Settings GUI
-- Added Main and subcategories in SettingsGUI
-- Fixed GUI glitching while Autofishing with GUI-Failsafe
-- Fixed minor spelling mistakes and formatting
++ Added Sound event for "GUI-open event" while Autofishing.
++ Added Setting in SettingsGUI for Sound event.
++ Added Sound Slider for adjusting the Volume of the GUI warning.
-- Changed GUI behavior to hide sound and volume buttons if "Stop on gui open" toggled off.
Fixed Settings to properly save after adjusting.
Made default slider settings to recommended.
Fixed Slider not being a constant delay.
Made it so the Autofisher is less clunky.