- All the mod's configs (except server/world config) have been completely rewritten using Crust's config API
- Added a bunch of new config settings
- Fixed difficulty hud renderer offsets breaking and not making any sense
- Added optional boss-bar Y render offset for difficulty hud renderer
- Fixed player difficulty not being copied over and updated properly when the player dies or comes back from The End when in creative mode
- Made some changes to Dynamic Trap (now omni-directional, which affects the AoE)
- Increased sound volume for Seeker and Destroyer
- Reworked internal event system; players can now have multiple Apocalypse events running at once
- Fixed explosion calculators for Seeker and Destroyer being wonky
- Breecher explode-block targets are now in a config block list rather than a block tag
- Tweaked some default values in the mob buffing config
- Fixed keybind for descending when riding a Grump not updating correctly
- Fully implemented "Midnight Steel Armor", a new armor set that changes stats periodically during full moon nights
- Added new Apocalypse event "Call of The Shadows"
- Added new mob "Shadefiend"
- Fearwolf now applies slowness effect on attack instead of blindness
- Added config options for reducing or resetting player difficulty upon death
- Reworked acid rain rendering to be more compatible with other mods, such as Serene Seasons
- Added config option for "Acid Snow" (basically makes the acid rain affect cold biomes as well)
- Added config option for disabling Apocalypse event start messages
- Fully implemented "Grump Interact" keybinding (lets the player launch a hook when riding a Grump)
- Tamed grumps now display a death message in chat when killed, like other tamed creatures
- Fixed players getting kicked on dedicated servers for flying when riding a Grump
- Acid Rain event now only triggers in the overworld
- Some translation changes to US english
- Added config option to allow all living beings to be damaged from acid rain, not just players
- And probably more things I may have forgotten about; be sure to browse the configs!
TrapRecipe now return ItemStack.EMPTY as result stack rather than null
Removed TheOneProbe compatibility
Reworked "mob starting difficulty" config section to be more intuitive
Lowered Fearwolf movement speed modifiers for idle walking and melee attack
Fearwolves can now spawn on any ground block that is in the minecraft:animal_spawnable_on tag
Added small smoke effect to Dynamic Trap to better indicate when it is assembling a trap
- Fixed game crashing if it starts raining before the server has properly finished starting up
Fixed TrapRecipe.Serializer.toNetwork() wrongly using NonNullList, resulting in players getting disconnected from dedicated servers when trying to join.
Nerfed Grump rage speed modifier
Tweaked some client default config values
Added new contraption "Dynamic Trap"
JEI compat for Dynamic Trap
Fixed Destroyer not always looking the right way when attacking
Fixed Grump using LookAtOwnerGoal when not supposed to
Fixed midnight steel block and lunar sensor not being in the intended minecraft:blocks/mineable tags
------------------ API ------------------
Some refactoring
Accessibility to the BaseTrapAction class and the BaseTrapAction Forge registry
Fixed Seeker not getting one-shot killed by reflected seeker fireballs
Fixed Destroyer not taking damage from reflected fireballs
Fixed Grump targeting logic when tamed
Fixed Fearwolves not spawning
Ported to 1.20.1
Fixed Grump target logic when tamed
Fixed Fearwolves not spawning
Fixed difficulty increasing even if max is reached
Fixed being able to block Grump hooks regardless of where the player looks while blocking
Made the Breecher's AI a bit more interesting
Tweaked a few default config settings
Added new rage mode for Grumps
Added config option for previously undocumented feature that pauses the day-night cycle when no players are online
Added config option for various armor mobs can spawn with depending on difficulty
Fixed acid rain event and thunderstorm event fighting over priority
Made the Apocalypse debug command less terrible
Added new config option for mobs that should only start spawning when the nearest player is at X difficulty level.
Lunarium Ingot and Soul Fragment have been renamed and retextured (now called Midnight Steel Ingot and Fragmented Soul)
Added "midnight steel block"
Added new advancements
Added optional logic for Destroyers to try and destroy their target player's respawn point
Fixed full moon ghasts' NBT not always being read properly
Fixed rain damage bug in multiplayer
Acid rain has been remade into an event rather than something that happens whenever it rains
Improved Grump's fishhook precision
Fixed Grump target logic
Finished implementing the Fearwolf
Finished mob armor handler
Grumps can be tamed with Fatherly Toast
Fatherly Toast can now be obtained more easily, in the form of dungeon loot
Full moon mobs now properly despawns if their target player dies, if enabled
Full moon ghasts now try spawning in the air in dimensions with no ceiling to avoid getting stuck
Creepers spawning with potion buffs from Apocalypse will no longer create lingering clouds granting "infinite" buffs
Made the Ghost and Grump's movement a bit more sluggish
Made the difficulty text in the HUD translatable
WIP Ghost freezing - Not implemented in any meaningful way
And maybe more fixes I have forgotten about