recipe update to Create 6.0.1 (by XxRexRaptorxX & Kevin-Marsh
- Create dirty splashing recipes added
- Create crushed raw ore splashing recipes added
- missing recipe conditions added
- invalid peridot splashing recipe removed
- invalid Create crushing recipes removed
- Replication support added
- item tag fixes in recipes
- invalid atm nugget recipes removed
- Modern Industrialization double ingot cutting recipes fixed
- missing salt macerator recipe added
- missing Mekanism salt recipes added
- version range adjusted
- Modern Industrialization double ingot recipes added (compressor, cutting machine)
- Modern Industrialization forge hammer, heat exchanger, vacuum freezer & blast furnace recipes added
- Modern Industrialization packer recipes added
- Modern Industrialization unpacker recipes added
- Modern Industrialization implosion compressor recipes added
- dirty diamond dust centrifuge FTB Industrial Contraption recipe fixed
- FTB Industrial Contraptions seperation recipes added
- Addtional Create End/Nether/Other-ore crushing recipes added
- Cyclic melter recipes added
- Cyclic solidifier recipes added
- Botania mana infusion recipes added
- Oritech atomic forge allthemodium alloy dust recipes added
- Immersive Engineering bottling recipes added
- Energized Power metal crystal growing recipes added
- clump crushing/grinding recipes for all supported mods added
- Oritech centrifuge recipe fixes
- Oritech foundry crystal recipes fixed
- Create crushing recipe improvements & fixes
- small changes
- Oritech support added
- Industrial Reborn ore washing recipes added
- AllTheOres blasting & smelting recipes added
- AllTheOres clump conversion recipes added (small_clumps -> clumps)
- AllTheOres dust conversion recipes added (small_dusts -> dusts)
- Voluminous Energy metal implosion compressing recipes added
- some FTB industrial contraptions macerating recipes fixed
- dependency ordering fixed
- Allthemodium support added
- AppliedEnergistics support added
- Energized Power crystal growth chamber recipes added
- ALM zinc grinding recipe fixed
- ALM dirty dust mixer recipes now uses tags instead of items
- additional Modern Industrialization recipes added (Assembler, Mixer, Macerator, Centrifuge, Compressor, Cutting Machine)
- Voluminous Energy dirty dust Centrifugal Seperation recipes added
- missing Industrial Reborn Hammer recipes added
- Assembly Line Machine Pneunmatic recipes added
- Assembly Line Machines dust mixing recipes improved
- crushing recipe changes
- recipe fixes
- additional cinnabar, fluorite, netherite, salt & sulfur recipes added
- Assembly Line Machines pneunmatic recipes added
- netherite items smithing recipes for ATO added
- recipe fixes
- tags no longer in use removed
- Energized Power block compressing recipes added
- Energized Power alloy furnace recipes added
- missing ATO item tags added
- items input changed with item tags
- Industrial Reborn invar alloy smelting result count fixed
- Energized Power block compressing recipes added
- Energized Power alloy furnace recipes added
- missing ATO item tags added
- items input changed with item tags
- Industrial Reborn invar alloy smelting result count fixed
- Energized Power block compressing recipes added
- Energized Power alloy furnace recipes added
- cinnabar, fluorite, sulfur & salt recipes for all mods added
- missing ATO item tags added
- Modern Industrialization support added!
- Simple Grinder recipes updated
- items input changed with item tags
- Industrial Reborn invar alloy smelting result count fixed
- recipe conditions on all recipes fixed
Update to MC 1.21 Neoforge!
Energized Power filtration plant recipes added
Energized Power advanced pulverizer support added
- small recipe optimizations
- Ad Astra alloying recipes added
- recipe fixes (from ChaosDogG)
- Energized Power metal press recipes added
- missing enderium Create pressing recipe added
- Energized Power metal press recipes added
- missing enderium Create pressing recipe added