Java 21+ required
- Added panelSize in ConfigScreenBuilder
- Added getTitle(), getType() and setPanelSize() / getPanelSize()
- Added algorithms for Stealth mode
- Rewrite coordinates from String to Double
- Rewrite getRounding, added getDoubleRounding & round
- Cleanup AlinaDemoScreen
- Updated ConfigScreen
- Rewrite player values
- Redesign ConfigScreen
- Updated
- Updated
- Added new icons
- Changes KeyBindingHelper
- Added MessageBox
- Updated ButtonSpriteBuilder
- Updated TextBox
- Added render background for DescriptionBox
- Changes GuiMixin
- Changes Demo Module
- Small fixes
- Add new config: TOAST.TIMELINE (Animation bar in toast)
- MIT License -> GPL-3.0
- Fixed tooltip render in ButtonSprite
- Fixed onPress for ButtonSprite
- Update to 1.20.6 & set minimal version 1.20.5 for NeoForge
- Fixed NeoForge support
- Rewrite demo screen
- Fix shadow text in Button
- Optimize for 1.20.5 (replace options_background.png to dirt texture)
- Changes in class
- Fix GuiMixin
- Add ScreenEvents
- ScreenEvents.KEY_PRESS
- ScreenEvents.SCREEN_RENDER
- Add LocalizationEvents
- Cleanup code
- Edit DescriptionBox
- Edit AbstractConfigScreen
- other changes
- Add default parser
- Add default localization
- Add configuration screens (without localization texts (temporary))
- Add events (based on Fabric API code)
- more
- Add auto-size toasts
- Relocate Demo(for IDE)
- Add new function in ToastBuilder.setType(int)
- Add render custom color in AlinaToast uses ^
- add setSecret(boolean) in EditBoxBuilder
- Rounding display text in SliderDouble
- Changes in Config
- add String getStringText(String key) in Localization
- Optimize builders
- New class: SliderConfigDouble, SliderDouble, SliderDoubleBuilder
- Fix: SliderConfigInteger, SliderPercentBuilder, SliderIntegerBuilder
- Fix builders
- Add new builders
- Auto-set coordinates for widget in ConfigScreenBuilder